most random smoking experience?


Haha thats funny. My most random would have to be when my friends called me to come outside at 2 am. I'm like half asleep and we just start toking up infront of the house cause my parents weren't there that week. my 3 friends see some chinese guy riding down the street with a bike talking on his sidekick. they run up to him slowly and then tackle him and the guy is like "oh please oh please no oh please god". I'm just laughing like crazy while smoking a blunt. then the guy calls 911 and they run in my house. we finish 2 more blunts then at 3am everyone just split up. good times and very very random :joint::peace:
zebra is right why the FUCK would you go smoke more pot while the cops are coming to your house? just proves that you and your story are full of shit. i hope your like 15 or something cuz if not i honestly just feel sorry for you.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
idk about this thread it started good but dont worry guys i got a harold an kumar story for you and its not makeupable lmao

well i just moved up here to everett,wa and i live im miami tho im up here for a few months helpin my mom cuz she is reallllllly sick.
so im tlkin on the phone with my gf and all of a sudden this dude rolled up behind me and yells whats goin on ( he was drunk) but so was i lol
so anyways him and his gf want to score some bud becuase they are in an RV travelin with a bunch of ppl all over canada and the coast. so i say i just moved here and only have one connect so we go by the bar my dealers always at and hes out. so were like fuck!! so that was out first hangup.
so now were drivin around askin ppl at albertsons and shit and no good so we see some teens walkin and go to a lake and start swimmin so we ask them and they only have ice on them( hint #1) they were like yeah we can get some and were about to. so we follow them and they took us to these appartments where it was shaddy so we give them money and i didnt care cuz they were buyin the bud so they rip us and sneak out somhow. so were like fuck their gone through the bakway we didnt know was there so were like fuck this and we go back to the lake and we said we were tourists and thought we didnt know were to go but im from the glades and my llife depends on knowin were to go so we find them and sneak up behind them and i cold cock this pussy ass fuck!! well all 4 dudes pull knives and im like fuck this and their scared as fuck little high schoolers and im like i aint gettin stabbed over 40 and they like we got jacked and shit so w.e they leave so were back on the proul and go to bars, grocery store, and place open and end up at walmart lmao and i see this kid and we ask him and him and 2 friends are like fuck yeah we need a ride tho. so we take them score smoke them out and take them home and we go back home and chill. well they were callin us the cheeta in harold and kumar cuz we got them there lol. it was a random crazy ass night but left a few things out cuz its already long enough and my fingers hurt lol!!

this shit was insane but the look on the kids faces when i hit him was pricless lmao his eyes were the size of the fuckin moon lmao!!!
and the hit was worth 40 of there money lmao
have fun and keep it safe brothers and sisters!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
one time my girlfriend was outta town for cheerleading camp and i went by her house to get my swimming shorts that i left there from a few days before when we were swimming at her pool....anyways, her grandma was chillen in the back room and started hittin a bowl when i passed thru...i didnt know g-ma was a toker....then she made me hit first i was reluctant, bu i had to see how guud grandma was smokin in the millenium so i i layed back in my chair wit my eyes closed (high az fuk), grandma started goin down on all happened so fast that i didnt stop her...she musta took out her teeth out or sumthin bc she was goin at it like karrine steffans


Well-Known Member
much love will always hold a special place in my heart, takin my manhood in your mouth like a soldier, jus doin her duty....god bless america.
alright so a while back me and some buddys had a zip of some tooty fruity shit it was aight buy anyways we have no vehicle so were taking the bus around and we run into one of our buddies and like any good friend should i offer to smoke him out so he says yeah we'll go back to my place so he takes us to some ghetto ass house in a part of town ive never been and its kinda sketchy but whatever im no puss so we go up to this house and theres all these people out there and my friend goes yo im goin to my friends house (it turns out he had his own buds on him) so were like wtf alright and were stuck at this place and a few guys walk out look about me and my friends age and invite us inside. we come in and theres like 3, 5 year olds runnin around and they all only have one eyeball, i kid you not, and im already stoned so im just like wtf? and they all come up and grab our legs askin if were brotheres and shit and im like fuck no. so we go in this guys room who we just met i guess hes gangster or some shit cuz my friend pulls out a red lighter to smoke and hes like get that shit outta here. anyways so we proceed to blaze about a quarter with these guys and one of there moms walks in and i think she had down syndrome no joke and she blazed a bowl and then some drunk ass guy walks in who called himself "the clown" he leans down and kisses my friend on the lips which was wierd but i was laughin my ass off then we step out back and its late out so we ask if they could get us a ride home and there like yeah wait here so they walk away and about 5 minutes later "the clown" comes back and looks at me and is like your cool man, i like you and im like uh thanks. he looks at my buddy and says drop your pockets. were just like what? and hes like drop your pockets before i knock your fuckin teeth out. so my friend is like fuck no cuz hes got the bud in his pocket and then gets punched in the mouth by this guy and im like oh shit so i do what any friend should and punch his drunk ass in the face which just made him more pissed and then we had quite a fight cuz all his friends came and joined in but we ended up jumpin the fence and gettin the fuck out of there without getting our shit jacked. anyways this is a true story and it was probly the most random smoking experience ive had.


Well-Known Member
one time my girlfriend was outta town for cheerleading camp and i went by her house to get my swimming shorts that i left there from a few days before when we were swimming at her pool....anyways, her grandma was chillen in the back room and started hittin a bowl when i passed thru...i didnt know g-ma was a toker....then she made me hit first i was reluctant, bu i had to see how guud grandma was smokin in the millenium so i i layed back in my chair wit my eyes closed (high az fuk), grandma started goin down on all happened so fast that i didnt stop her...she musta took out her teeth out or sumthin bc she was goin at it like karrine steffans

I call bullshit, Pics or it didn't happen. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Lol why would you want pics?? thats gross

my weird experience is i was hanging out with my friend jimmy and smoking weed, i then had to be home but my mom was gone and my dad is a heavy sleeper i could sneak out so i did, and then we met up and then he talked to his friend ian and the next thing i know im getting in some huge bmw and we park in a car washing place and loaded a bowl for a bong and then we start driving and smoking it was great...i got sooooo high it was crazy

oh and this was at 2 am

and i just played tag with a rent a was so much fun

midnight smoker

Active Member
one time I passed out while hittin a bong and spilled the water on my pants. so my homies thought it would be funny to take a couple of pictures and say I pissed my pants