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  1. bongedman929

    Going to a POT PARTY!!!!

    hey guys wats up, so im going to my first college pot party tonight where everyine is matching bud. Im pretty fuckin phsyced about it. I just graduated today so im ready to start college right, any tips or advice? Im not a newbie smoker btw
  2. bongedman929

    How many dealers have you had

    ive been smoking for about 2.5 years and ive had about three
  3. bongedman929


    yeah i find it hard to chill with wanting to jump up and down and get crazy lol i <3 techno
  4. bongedman929

    when you HAVEN'T smoked weed in a couple days..

    ive noticed that when i dont smoke for 24 hours...ill start to really carve lighting up but as time goes on it passes and then i jsut get bad craving...i also when i dont smoke bud on a dialy bases i dont each much at all sometimes not anything all day just cause i dont feel hungry and its...
  5. bongedman929

    going to a party blazed

    ive noticed when go to social gatherings high i usually am quite and not talkative...any ideas on how to be more social when baked?
  6. bongedman929

    The Way I smoke!

    Where: BCS, Tx/ Breck.,Co Way i smoke: Bong, joint, but mainly pipe Locals: they smoke usually out of bongs and pipes and blunts (its a college town) Strangest Way: well when i was 15 and started smoking pot, i couldnt get a real pipe so i was like the Macgyver of pipe making. I made a pipe...
  7. bongedman929

    HOw much do you need to get stoned

    wow i wonder wats wrong with me...i ususally pack a fatass bowl and take like 7-8 hits and that gets me moderatley baked and i have decent weed usually that smells like straight feces (i mean that in the best way possible) but i guess i dont take huge hits so that could be why
  8. bongedman929

    My current bud

    hmmm. interesting as my name is lucas to....good looking bud btw
  9. bongedman929

    i need to know the name of a website

    Hey does anyone know the name of that website that tells you where to hang around to find fellow stoners?
  10. bongedman929

    The Pot Smokers Etiquette -(Unknown Source)-

    i have another question? When loading a bowl does one have to break up the weed into tiny pieces or can one break up the weed in to reasonable pieces and load then into the bowl? or how do you load a bowl?
  11. bongedman929

    Happy pre 420

    man i cant wait.... to get blown!!!! i had a great weekend celbertaing it... i went to marley fest in austin it was so fucking awesome and i smoked alot of free hippie weed. life was great... i have a blunt for tomorow:)
  12. bongedman929

    420 TV on 420

    its only going to be half baked and super high me
  13. bongedman929

    do you think...

    im sorry to inform you i passed away this morning at 1140 my time or 840 RIU time the cause of death was boredom
  14. bongedman929

    Im going camping but wat to do

    so me and a buddy are going camping the others flaked out so i have some weed and we are gonna get some BBQ but what the hell is there to do?
  15. bongedman929

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    morning i just got in from camping last night which was crazy....fucking smoked a shitload and then made smores and hotdogs it was GREAT!!! and i bought a pack of ciggys yesterday and i coudnt smoke i could only take little hits and had to stop about 1/3 of the way through
  16. bongedman929


    lol wat if you have papers when you get pulled over... but no weed or anything the cop cant bust you or anything right??
  17. bongedman929

    GOING camping tonight!

    well its my friends place who has alot of acerage so we gonna get lost but i grow my shit on the back of my dads cattle pasture speaking of which i just realized its getting close to grow season for me!!!!!! YAY!!!
  18. bongedman929

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    i like crack
  19. bongedman929

    GOING camping tonight!

    yumm i cant wait were going to go explore and get lost in the woods while were high as fuck! god its gonna kickass!!!!
  20. bongedman929

    GOING camping tonight!

    im going camping tonight and i bought a fuckload of weed so me and my mates can smoke it all and then look at the pretty pumped we gotta have some food tho