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  1. CDN Kid

    Can you add flavor to your grow???!!!

    try some molasses...i hear it does good stuff
  2. CDN Kid

    aero garden seed run

    howcome your using an aerogarden? those plants are so small
  3. CDN Kid

    What to do with post-harvest waste?

    well if cops are showing up at your place there's clearly something wrong already lol
  4. CDN Kid

    a new start?

    that'd be pretty sweet but i doubt it bro.
  5. CDN Kid

    Seed to 3rd week veg how she lookin??

    not bad. what kind of light you usin?
  6. CDN Kid

    hefta's AUTO-MEGA-MIX-SAGA episode 1

    oh man heft, plants look incredible! can't wait to see some nice fat nugs on em
  7. CDN Kid

    1st time indoor Arjans haze

    wow lookin very nice man. for your next grow you should consider doing lst or scrog. nice buds
  8. CDN Kid

    hefta's AUTO-MEGA-MIX-SAGA episode 1

    great new pics dude! suuuch a sweet sea of green it makes my mouth water
  9. CDN Kid

    a/k/a tommy chong

    no your right but can you tell me what qualifications g.w had?
  10. CDN Kid

    a/k/a tommy chong

    yup pretty f--ked. that's what happens when a moron gets voted president
  11. CDN Kid

    My White Widow

    50 cents??? where the hell do you shop?
  12. CDN Kid

    Is this possible?

    Im not sure i fully understand what ur asking in question one but you can flower whenever you want. I veg for 4 weeks then start flowering. some go longer, some go shorter veg times. and take clones when u can take a nice 3-8 inch cutting with at least 2 sets of leaves.
  13. CDN Kid

    Biggest Yield

    white rhino and blueberry are big time yielders with big time highs
  14. CDN Kid

    Awesome information, Click here!

    yeaa it's good. soooo complicated and shit for a stoned out pothead like myself. good stuff though for those that wanna take the time. +rep peeeace
  15. CDN Kid

    Who loves Purple Kush?

    I love it, very smooth earthy flavour with a very nice long lasting high. It doesn't burn me out very much either which is great.
  16. CDN Kid

    Favorite strains everyone??

    Top 5 for me 1. White Rhino 2. Blueberry 3. Northern Lights 4. Purple Kush 5. Jack Herer
  17. CDN Kid

    Awww crap...are these bug bites?

    not sure, looks like u got a few problems maybe. check here.
  18. CDN Kid

    3 plants, 2 are for sure ready for flower but need advice

    get some socket adapters and y-adapters and set em up in 2's over top of the plants.
  19. CDN Kid

    3 plants, 2 are for sure ready for flower but need advice

    yes it definitely is enough, it just depends how many you use. for 3 plants I would say minimun 6 x 26w cfl's is what you'd need. If i was doing it I'd probably use 8
  20. CDN Kid

    hefta's AUTO-MEGA-MIX-SAGA episode 1

    well those new pics just sent me from 6 to 12 in a hurry