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  1. meds4me2live0n

    fox farms tiger bloom problems?

    Mixing nutes is okay in the right doses. Also, no switching nutes wont kill your plant, maybe stress your plant some. What will kill your plant is... cutting it down early.
  2. meds4me2live0n

    Topping and Lollipopping at the same time ??

    I agree, no more than 1/3 of the plant at a time....the smaller the plant the less I would prune. Each plant is different and also the size, growth rate and health all are very important factors to include. I like to do it in stages not shocking the plant just before flowering. Often I...
  3. meds4me2live0n

    i get depressed after i dont smoke

    Using cannabis is such a joyful and important hourly event in my life I would get really depressed without it for that long. The most I go it a day without smoking, like 8-10 hrs at the most. (But I'm on extremely potent oil as well) Even with the oil I'm almost on edge without a hit, not in a...
  4. meds4me2live0n

    Need help ! My plant is going to die :(

    Yes, your seedling is very shocked but it may make it. The first 3-4 weeks of a seedlings life is very fragile. They don't grow much but instead they are establishing there root system. During these weeks you want to keep the soil moist (not soaking), no nutrients, give it a small amount of...