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  1. D

    Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??

    well you kinda have to grow the pot first in order to even have THC exist. so i would say its about both.
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    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    so what do you do with all that pot after you harvest? i wish i could grow plants this big so everytime i smoke a joint i dont think.. damn, heres another 15 bucks down the drain..
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    Strange Idea for an Outdoor/Indoor Grow Box

    did you say shed? make a grow box from rubbermaids so it just looks like its being stored with all the other stuff
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    Simple Question

    thanks guys what are some good strains for growing MONSTER outdoor plants? or just some good strains you have tried from the company
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    Simple Question

    i live in the united states. which seed bank is the best to choose from. i just want the seeds with no problems.
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    mixed lighting???

    do it man the more light the better. Heat is the only issue so just watch that
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    Need help with how i'm going to be able to grow

    leo? is that the police? and can they take your parents house away if they catch you growing? I started a thread asking this question and it never really got answered. How can they take your parents house away if you were growing without them knowing..
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    Is this enough lighting?

    well then... if you dont have good enough weather to keep your plant in veg then what i would do is put it outside for the maximum amount of time that the sun will shine on it, then, bring it in the house and put it under the lights. if you want your plant to start growing faster and bigger get...
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    Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??

    what about those oranges infused with THC? ha.. everything these days gives you cancer! even masturbation.. watch out now
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    will it even grow?

    I have seen threads on the aero grow before you should look around. But from what i know, or what i think i know is.. the aero grow is just a complete system to grow stuff. It uses the aeroponics method. thats where you dont use soil and the roots are dangling and being misted with water...
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    Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??

    im not sure on this AT ALL but i THINK i rememer reading that the bulbs made for tanning humans skin is bad growing weed.. maybe it emits UVC? too lazy to read up on this to find out because i dont have a face tanning device lol but sounds pretty cool man post the pictures and tell us how it...
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    Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??

    I tried it once with a 15 watt tube type fluoroescent bulb. Exo-terra repti glo 8.0. I started 5 seeds in 5 different cups without germinating and they all sprouted under the light and did fine for a couple days, until my dad heard the fan going in the back of my closet and decided to check it...
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    tastier bud people?

    soil grown buds will taste better and buds should always be flushed properly.. who wants to be smoking nutes especially if they were not organic? My personal opinion of the best tasting buds and actually just the best grown weed would be 100% organic soil grown..preferrably outdoors.
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    Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??

    forgot thread....
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    Do U Want To DOUBLE The Crystals On Your Plant??

    i have been interested in this as well but you should check out the thread i started on this topic.. it might answer some questions or make you think of new ones. idk.. but if anyone has plants and is interested in trying this out and sharing the information with us fellow growers (of course)...
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    flouro reptile lights with UVB.

    How old was your plant when you tried this? I would guess it would be most beneficial during flowering because thats when the most thc is created. you should test it out again. but maybe check on your plant while its on to see if its hurting it. i wonder if it started drooping due to the light...
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    Is it good to only use blood and bone meal as the nutes?

    what exactly bone meal and blood meal. i think i remember hearing it comes from animals but not sure. Is it organic?
  18. D

    36/12 light cycle???

    I have read in numerous places that the plant cant take in more than 18 hours of light so anything after that is just wasting your electricity. I find that plants grow faster in the veg when you go 18/6 instead of 24/0. They seem to grow faster in the dark and when they have a dark period. I...
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    UV Light - Best way to provide

    i was thinking the same thing.. they may not be good primary lights but for supplemental lighting it should work. i have an iguana and have these lights so i might as well. i think the strongest uvb it puts out is...
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    how do i bake my soil in the oven to sterilize it?

    i got some soil from outside and i want to sterilize it. i know you can do it in the oven but at what temperature and fror how long and in what. i have work in the mornin and need to go to bed soon but really want to get this done so if anyone knows how please help me!