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  1. D

    My plan for my grow

    mylar on the walls to reflect the lights.
  2. D

    Dream Grow

    I want to grow organically. make my own soil and nutes. use cfls and MH and a smaller wattage HPS for vegitative stage. oh and maybe a blacklight and a reptile light for UVB. I want to use all of these lights at once and drown the mj plant with as much light as it will take. Go crazy on the...
  3. D

    how do i tell my fam i smoke weed?

    I used to run track in high school too :) anyway.. just let them know you smoke and have been smoking for a while and your still the same person. Its a big of a deal as they make it but tell them its not bad and let them know how it helps you medicinally. It will take a while for them to get...
  4. D

    Can my family get in trouble for my secret grow operation?

    But the big question here is: Can the cops screw my parents over in any way for me growing in their house.. if they didnt know i was growing?
  5. D

    Can my family get in trouble for my secret grow operation?

    yeah, you probably get screwed if you get caught. but how noticable could a 2 plant grow op in the back of my closet be. As long as i can keep my mouth shut and dont tell friends n shit.
  6. D

    Can my family get in trouble for my secret grow operation?

    im 19, dickhead. i just wish i had some way to show my parents they wont get the house taken from them if i do get caught. Its almost impossible to grow without them knowing. i have tryed plenty of times and i get kicked out if i get caught one more time. Im loosing sleep everynight because i...
  7. D

    Can my family get in trouble for my secret grow operation?

    I want to grow 2 plants in the back of my walk in closet. But i really cant do this without my parents knowing (as i have found out from past growing experiences; i get caught by them everytime somehow). So i have been trying to convince them to let me... i tell them that no one will know and i...
  8. D

    pics of my last grow

    those look dank what kind of lights did you use and what hours did you set them for throughout the grow?