Is this enough lighting?


Well-Known Member
I put her indoors at 11:00AM, and got some CFL's on her, I hope this change from outdoors to indoors, doesn't alter my plant in anyway... I've had it outside for about 3-4 weeks.

Greenlite CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs) are approximately four times more efficient and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. A 26-watt Greenlite CFL has approximately the same light output as a 100-watt conventional bulb. Standard incandescent bulbs have an average lifetime of 750 to 2500 hours, while Greenlite CFLs last from 6,000 to 10,000 hours. In contrast to fluorescent lamps of the past, Greenlite CFLs are available in range of colors including soft white, warm white, cool white, natural white, and daylight. They use rare earth phosphors for excellent color and warmth and electronic circuits that don’t flicker or hum.



Well-Known Member
chill winston

i was just insinuating that your plant is rather stretched and small.

that lighting should suffice for that monster cola i reckon.


Well-Known Member
yes, you have enough light, althogh if you have the bucks more is better.

btw, the reason you get no response is that afternoon posts get buried and when everyone comes on they never see the earlier posts. post between 6 and midnight eastern time and you will get more replies.

and profanity gets you the xxxx kicked off the site, so do chill a bit if you want to hang.


Well-Known Member
haha thats kinda lame
we cant cuss on this site
i dont think i want to be a part of something thats so ridiculus
i mean what
are we in kindergarden
were all still babys and cant handle cuss words yet
i mean really people
grow up
i mean im not saying im cussing a storm and telling people to do the same
all im saying is were all adults and can handle a few cuss words every now and then
saying something about it just makes you look like a lawyer.

and that enough light
but it can use more
but my plant has a little more light than yours and is growing great, but i didnt have it outdoors at all
try getting some more in ther, like two
your plants will love it.


Well-Known Member
were all adults and can handle a few cuss words every now and then
saying something about it just makes you look like a lawyer.

don't complain to me, i don't run the site. just giving the dude a warning that the mods look for language and can and do ban people from the site. just the facts, don't shoot the messenger.


Well-Known Member
well, sunlight kicks out more lumens and a better spectrum than those 3 cfl's.. so if you have good weather then do it.
The whole point of this plant being in, is because I can put it on a 24/0 period..

Why would I put it back outside to flower at 10''? The whole point is to vege it.

dr danky doodle

Active Member
The whole point of this plant being in, is because I can put it on a 24/0 period..

Why would I put it back outside to flower at 10''? The whole point is to vege it.
well then... if you dont have good enough weather to keep your plant in veg then what i would do is put it outside for the maximum amount of time that the sun will shine on it, then, bring it in the house and put it under the lights. if you want your plant to start growing faster and bigger get more lights. 6500 kelvin ones man.....


Well-Known Member
The whole point of this plant being in, is because I can put it on a 24/0 period..

Why would I put it back outside to flower at 10''? The whole point is to vege it.
where i'm coming from is that your plant is already in flower, switching back to veg now may cause some serious stress..


Well-Known Member
if it was my plant, to be 100% truthful, i would leave it under those lights and finish off flowering. you might get a couple g of bud.

while i was waiting for it to finish i would start a new grow, because ... to be blunt, that attempt was a failure.


Well-Known Member
You know what, I just figured out not to listen to peoples suggestions when it comes to something serious like this..

How can anyone say that my plant would yield an eighth anyways? you can't predict shit by looking at it, im pretty sure it would yield even more than that.

And regardless of the vegetative growth, I think preflowering would focus on the growth of the stem, and everything else as well as the bud.

Why would I fuck with mothernature? and put my plant under stress? I probably did enough stress by putting it back outside tonight, because I can't handle it being like this, its not something to fathom when its your first grow, and especially a female.

I decided to just never put it back in the closet, because that would only make things worse, and besides, Outdoors is the natural way to grow, and my plant would be healthier, more potent, and give out a decent yield.

I mean you've guys only seen this damn plant in a half week of flowering, I got probably 8-12 more weeks until this thing can be harvested, and if winter hits early, I can just cut it down and smoke whatever it has to give me.

That is all...


Well-Known Member
how can we know what lights are you using?

what kind of spectrum?
how much W's?

if those r 9 or 12 w's then its not enough of light there.


Well-Known Member
oh, sorry, i didnt read the text. yeah. lightning is OK, but your plant doesnt look good..

also, i would made a reflectors for them and cover walls with reflective material or white paint.

put the lowest lamp higher.