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  1. ej691

    I f-ed up my outdoor grow because...

    My first grow, bagseed from either mids, or reggie (shwag) whatever you wanna call it, i wanted to train myself the first grow season. I swear, buying seeds are soo much better, the seeds will grow better and you will have more of a chance of them surviving and growing into a good yield, i...
  2. ej691

    Seedbank help

    Thank you to all the reply's and help, i had some other questions, im around mideast u.s. (ohio,indiana,illinois,michigan) not gonna say where cus.. yea i feel its kind of risky because i hear police try to get in on this kind of shit for busts. but anyway i wanted to know what a safe number of...
  3. ej691

    Seedbank help

    This is going to be my second grow coming up when the outdoor season starts, last year i just did a bagseed grow to get use to all this shit, and it turned out awsome, it was a little bit over 6' tall, i probably got like 3.5 ounces off of it, but where i messed up is i told too many people, and...
  4. ej691

    First Grow is it looking good? 6ft tall

    lol if ur talkn about the quality then sorry, its from the built in webcam on my laptop
  5. ej691

    First Grow is it looking good? 6ft tall

    Here is my first grow, its just a bagseed because i felt i should get used to growing,harvesting,curing, etc. before i actually spend money on seeds to grow. The plant is about 6 foot tall, i topped it a while back and i think im glad i did,
  6. ej691

    confused about curing

    but after i am done curing it, and i want to store it in a jar, or something do i still have to take the lid off everyone now and then? and would it mess it up if i was curing it, and i cured for like a week or two, and then just threw it in a bag? cus if i stored it in a jar after i was done...
  7. ej691

    confused about curing

    alright i know that like when u cure it u put it in like a mason jar or somthn and seal it for a certain amount of time, then u take the lid off for a certain amount of time then put it back on and keep doin that until u get it till u like it, but once u get the weed to where u like it and u go...
  8. ej691

    first week of flowering gonna start a thread for my girl

    congradulations! im a first time grower and this is my first week of flowering also
  9. ej691

    Help 1st time grower

    thanks for the advice, and i made a different thread cause i had a different problem, and i uploaded a picture of the plant transplanted into a much bigger pot.
  10. ej691

    plant reaaallllyy drooppy after transplant

    im still not sure of the sex tho, i see the 2 long hairs coming out where the fan leaves come out, but im pretty sure even males have that, its between 7 and 8 weeks old from seed. i just may not be looking correctly. i've really just been seeing the hairs coming out called "stipules" ill have...
  11. ej691

    plant reaaallllyy drooppy after transplant

    thanks for the info, always helps, specially for me being this my first time growing. any advice is beneficial. alright, i got a really dumb question, but hey, this thread is in newbie central so wat ever, will my plant automatically start flowering and making bud, or will i have to do something...
  12. ej691

    plant reaaallllyy drooppy after transplant

    here is a picture of them today (taken around 7:00 pm), it has gotten a lot better and less droopy then when i saw it in the morning. any advice and compliments, etc.. anything would be nice, as this is my first grow to actually get this far, here r the pics:
  13. ej691

    plant reaaallllyy drooppy after transplant

    well, it rained before i transplanted it, and the soil wasnt too wet, wen i transplanted, then today its been pretty sunny, and the top of the medium is dry, but i put my finger down in the soil and it was a little damp, do u still think i should water it skolar?
  14. ej691

    plant reaaallllyy drooppy after transplant

  15. ej691

    plant reaaallllyy drooppy after transplant

    ok, my plant is about 7 weeks old and the pot it was in was getting waay to small for it, so i pulled it out of the pot to transplant it into another, and there was a lot of roots around the rocks that i put at the bottom of the pot for drainage, so i pulled the rocks out and i think i may have...
  16. ej691

    coffee and egg shells

    if i would use coffee grinds and egg shells could i just set it on top of the soil my plant is in and let it compost on top of it?? wont the sun break it down and release the nutrients into the soil? or i i have to put it into water after composted?
  17. ej691

    Help 1st time grower

    shit.. idk where ima get a bigger pot. my parents sure as hell wont buy it, cus they will know for sure that im growin weed. any suggestions on what i could use for a pot? and i dont even know how the hell i would get that big ass plant out of that pot and into another one withou breaking all...
  18. ej691

    Help 1st time grower

    yall think the plant is looking ok?
  19. ej691

    Kaolinite's Funky Adventure 1stGrown need help *PICS*

    yea that shit looks reaall healthy, excellent grow for ur first time
  20. ej691

    My First Outdoor

    if i bought seeds from nirvana or the attitude site or w/e it's called, is it illegal to buy them in the united states, indiana to be exact??? and if i buy them and they get to my house, will i have to sign something saying im 18??