plant reaaallllyy drooppy after transplant


ok, my plant is about 7 weeks old and the pot it was in was getting waay to small for it, so i pulled it out of the pot to transplant it into another, and there was a lot of roots around the rocks that i put at the bottom of the pot for drainage, so i pulled the rocks out and i think i may have broken some roots, because i went out to check to see how the plant was doing after the transplant, and the very top of it is realllly droopy, i had just topped it but it hasent grown enough to show 2 main stems, so the 1 main stem it had was drooping really bad, here is a picture of what it looked like before
if wasnt too bad, if i get my camera ill show you guys what it looks like now, im really hoping it doesnt die


Well-Known Member
shock...most plants go through it during a transplant...looks healthy as a plant can be though, so id ride it out for a few days.


Well-Known Member
sad, but in soil...everything is much slower to react then say hydro...a fix or a wrong decision to fix will show in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Water heavy heavy heavy after transplant. And just give it extra TLC and hope it comes back. I've had a couple flop all the way over for a few days but then decided to fight for their life and came back nicely :)


well, it rained before i transplanted it, and the soil wasnt too wet, wen i transplanted, then today its been pretty sunny, and the top of the medium is dry, but i put my finger down in the soil and it was a little damp, do u still think i should water it skolar?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you want to soak those babies when transplanting. They go under a lot of stress when moving to a larger medium, so you want to soak the roots and water heavily. Once it starts putting on growth again, switch to your normal methods of watering.


here is a picture of them today (taken around 7:00 pm), it has gotten a lot better and less droopy then when i saw it in the morning. any advice and compliments, etc.. anything would be nice, as this is my first grow to actually get this far, here r the pics:



Well-Known Member
she looks good man...dont sweat it, and its not a need to water 3 times a day, but generally when you transplant, after you tip her upside down, take the root ball and pour some water over it...then throw her in the dirt, and water one last time...then just get back on your every 3rd. day watering, or whatever youve been doin...but shes as healthy lookin as any other plant. i think she is takin to the transplant with what looks like minimal stress, and gettin ready to give you many tiny stinky lil gifts.


thanks for the info, always helps, specially for me being this my first time growing. any advice is beneficial. alright, i got a really dumb question, but hey, this thread is in newbie central so wat ever, will my plant automatically start flowering and making bud, or will i have to do something to get it to start flowering and making bud?? im pretty sure the plant starts flowering and making bud, depending on how late in the season u are and how much light it gets.


Well-Known Member
ya she will do her thing as soon as our days get shorter and just takes so long outdoors, thats the only reason i dont do it, but again she will flower when nature calls.


im still not sure of the sex tho, i see the 2 long hairs coming out where the fan leaves come out, but im pretty sure even males have that, its between 7 and 8 weeks old from seed. i just may not be looking correctly. i've really just been seeing the hairs coming out called "stipules" ill have to check again, but i dont think i've seen any pistils, but i deffinatly havent seen any balls yet either tho, so thats good, im just really hoping it's a female cus im tryn to make some money off this plant, tired of living in poverty, i just need a couple hundred, most likely wont make that much bud, if any at all. all i can do is continue to care for the plant and see what kind of results i get at the end.


Well-Known Member
you will do just fine...keep as many fan leaves as possible throughout your grow. dont pluck them thinking you dont need 'em...they feed your plant...and yes. male and females have stipules. when you see the pistils, they will be unmistakeably white, u cant miss 'em...but no balls yet is always a good thing since males tend to show before females. heres to hoping it is a girly for ya!