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  1. ej691

    Help 1st time grower

    yea, im probably doing it wrong then, i did water till' the water came out of the bottom of the pot, but i poured all the water in at once, i didnt pour little bits at a time until it came out of the bottom like u suggested, that may be the problem, so u dont think that the HOT 95-100 degree...
  2. ej691

    Help 1st time grower

    i'll try to get one of our camera's and take a pic. so maybe someone can better determine if the leaves are drooping from heat, too much water, too little water, ph, etc..
  3. ej691

    Help 1st time grower

    any answers on the questions not regarding the topping
  4. ej691

    Help 1st time grower

    can i still top my plant, it's around 40 inches tall?? and almost 2 months old, it's around 6-7 weeks old. im also seeing the leaves drooping a bit, more than normal :( i watered it with 1 gallon of water yesterday around 10:00 AM. and it went all day through 95 degree (fareinheit) weather, and...
  5. ej691

    Just Watered My Plants with Nutrient Mix. Now This

    lol, thts why i keep the handy weather thing on my desktop, i always check the radar and watch for any rain coming our way, im livin in indiana, and we've been having awsome sunny 85-95 degree days. very warm