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  1. dansmithlacey

    flowering season

    biothrive ;) then for budding ---> Humboldt nutrients bloom 0-6-5
  2. dansmithlacey

    blueberry and permafrost

    I believe she will yield at a minimum 1/2 lb up max 1 lb but you never know till your dry ;) she is in a 12 gallon pot with ffof soil and permafrost same soil just in a 5 gallon smart bag.
  3. dansmithlacey

    blueberry and permafrost

    Right! the blueberry got really big fast and started to bud before anything else. Also I should of said before it is a blueberry crossed with space queen
  4. dansmithlacey

    fungus on my leaves

    Could be dried water residue. I always see it on my outside plants. first time I seen it thought it was PM. to be safe spray with milk water fat free milk 1 cup to a gallon of water and hydrogen peroxide 3% 1/2 cup to gallon of water spay with milk the switch to peroxide every 4 days in morning...
  5. dansmithlacey

    flowering season

    One of mine started, the blueberry. The other, permafrost, has not. I'm in Thurston. check it out...
  6. dansmithlacey

    blueberry and permafrost

    haven't posted in a while. I have ben really busy, but thought I would show off my girls ;) the blueberry is the 6 1/2 footer. She is in pre-flower already. I put out early may. the smaller one is permafrost ;) should be yummy. Not to bad for my 2nd grow :mrgreen: the pic with me standing by...
  7. dansmithlacey

    Evergreen state outdoor 2013

    I just tided down my big girl today she is going to put out for sure...
  8. dansmithlacey

    Evergreen state outdoor 2013

    That's awesome bud... good garden...
  9. dansmithlacey

    Evergreen state outdoor 2013

    lol sorry blueberry kush...
  10. dansmithlacey

    Evergreen state outdoor 2013

    that there is a blueberry hush - space queen cross.... also have some permafrost out...
  11. dansmithlacey

    Evergreen state outdoor 2013

    that there is a blueberry hush - space queen cross.... also have some permafrost out...
  12. dansmithlacey

    Evergreen state outdoor 2013

    here is one of my girls...
  13. dansmithlacey

    Evergreen state outdoor 2013

    Nice!!! Weather been good here :) the girls are loving it... I'm in your area.
  14. dansmithlacey

    garlon 4 ultra triclopyr herbicide

    R.I.P. blueberry space queen!!!
  15. dansmithlacey

    garlon 4 ultra triclopyr herbicide

    There dead :-(
  16. dansmithlacey

    garlon 4 ultra triclopyr herbicide

    UGH!!! they just sprayed garlon 4 ultra triclopyr herbicide right by my plants don't look like it got them, and don't think they seen them because there still there... Man I Hope they're Ok...
  17. dansmithlacey

    Not doing good!

    wow good to hear I thought it was a gonner..... thanks much!!!
  18. dansmithlacey

    Not doing good!

    anyone know why this plant it looking like this....It is in a 5 gallon smart pot with FFOF and no fert yet......
  19. dansmithlacey

    Best state to grow outdoors?!?

    Washington.... people worry about rain! psh not a problem. We get long ass days up here. hour plus more then cali.
  20. dansmithlacey

    these clones?

    They are blueberry kuch X spacequeen... And I sprayed with a mix of 5% permethrin and 4% thyme oil...