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  1. dansmithlacey

    Mold problem

    I just sprayed with this product I hear it works great....
  2. dansmithlacey

    Mold problem

    thanks to everyone for your help! =)
  3. dansmithlacey

    Mold problem

    where can I buy mildew cure... I'm looking for a fungicide that is safe good and can be gotten at the local stores...
  4. dansmithlacey

    Mold problem

    Imma Give that a try... In the mean time here is some pics... the last one is the mold.... or what I suspect to be mold!
  5. dansmithlacey

    Mold problem

    showing signs of mold. would this product be good the the cure and prevention. Ortho Garden Pro Disease-B-Gon Copper Fungicide Id like to get SM-90 but no one sell it locally. and advice is welcome. I also her dish soap and baking...
  6. dansmithlacey

    starting to bud?

    lol! sorry this is an out door grow but thanks for the reply. And that was my suspicions. =D
  7. dansmithlacey

    starting to bud?

    here is a pic. is this the first sign of budding?
  8. dansmithlacey

    Bugs and yellowing on Leaves

    Thanks for your guyshelp this was a good read for me and taking everyone's advice seriously ;)
  9. dansmithlacey

    Bugs and yellowing on Leaves

    How about that yellowing? Over watering? I did use some fert only used 1/4 the dose... There in fox farms soil. I give them about 1/6 a gallon if water. U can see the size in the picture..... The fert is Schultz plant food plus 10-15-10
  10. dansmithlacey

    Bugs and yellowing on Leaves

    Thanks for the reassurance. I think I’ll do that. Go and getsome neem oil and see if it stops. Hoping my baby's thrive ;)
  11. dansmithlacey

    Regular dirt from outside???

    I fell short on soil. I got the fox farms, but one plant is in the Regular dirt from outside and it is doing the best of 6. So I guess it would be were your location is. They say that pine forest soil PH is too high, but I see it working just fine. Like I said it is the one growing the fastest...
  12. dansmithlacey

    pic of my plant tell me what you think

    Nice girl... looking good!
  13. dansmithlacey

    Bugs and yellowing on Leaves

    ? o.O any help? Is my plant ok?
  14. dansmithlacey

    Bugs and yellowing on Leaves

    I went out to check on my ladies. While I was out there I noticed that there were some holes in the leaves and some chew\bite marks on the outsides of leaves. I have 6 in the same general area and this is the only one like that. I was curious as to what had caused this and how can pests be...