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  1. crakerjak

    Deformed Leafs

    what happened to the plant?? the original post was in october of last year.
  2. crakerjak

    Are the first true leaves supposed to fall off...?

    Thanks. I'm glad its normal. happy :joint: smoking... :peace:
  3. crakerjak

    Are the first true leaves supposed to fall off...?

    I seem to have some yellowing on the first true leaves. It seems a lot like the wilting of the cotyledon leaves, but i'm not sure. I was just wondering if it was a bad thing or just normal.
  4. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    Here's some more pics taken about an hour ago.
  5. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    still fucked up. now one of the top pair of leaves has a big hole in it. i need some answers, apparently the Epsom salt did not work.
  6. crakerjak

    Miracle grow soil ?

    Usually the pots will come with a tray, but if not just find something to let the water drip into. I grow outdoors, so I don't have to worry about that.
  7. crakerjak

    Miracle grow soil ?

    Oh, also you should get a pot with the same amount of gallons as months you will be growing in it.
  8. crakerjak

    Miracle grow soil ?

    You definitely need drainage holes or you will get root rot or other mold.
  9. crakerjak

    Miracle grow soil ?

    I would have to recommend "scott's" potting soil instead of "miracle-gro." I have plants in scott's and miracle gro. The miracle gro has a lower ph than the scotts and is harder to grow in. Also i've read it's better to do rockwool or peat moss than jiffy cubes. I don't know because I just...
  10. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    I was just testing if it would work, but thats what I needed to post anyway.
  11. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    The first was taken 2 days ago, the last two were today.
  12. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    what the hell was that last post about. anyway, i have firefox and i'll try to do the whole internet thing.
  13. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    I clicked refresh the page & this is what it said - Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
  14. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    well there doesn't seem to be much of a difference. It looks a little better than yesterday, but i'm not sure if it just got better on its own or if it was the epsom salt. the ph might be a little too high or low, still not quite sure.
  15. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    welll i did notice one thing - this is what goes in - C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Weed Pics\04-17 002.jpg at the end there is jpg, yet when I go to the picture and click on properties it brings up that it is jpeg i've tried to change it, but it...
  16. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    that encoded crap were just bullets. but other than that, thats what it looks like.
  17. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    i click upload then it takes about twice the time it should take to load then then it just goes to a screen that says - this is the screen - The website cannot display the page HTTP 500 Most likely causes: <LI id=causeSiteMaintenance>The website is under maintenance. The website has a...
  18. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    I'm not running opera, just internet explorer. And I had dial up for a long time so yes compared to that I think that dsl is very fast.