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  1. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    I have very fast internet - 1.5 mb/second, but i still don't have any idea why they won't load.
  2. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    one other thing. why are all my post titles in lttle letters instead of in bold. is it because i have only a few posts and i'm a stranger. i don't know.
  3. crakerjak

    Why the Fuck Can't I Get My Pictures Up

    i keep trying to get my pictures up, but i keep getting "http 500 internal server error" message. i'm trying to get a diagnosis for my plants, but i can't get the damn pictures to the website. my pictures are 1.5 mb - 5 megapixel or something like that and they are jpeg. i'm really getting...
  4. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    well anyway, i watered it with epsom salt solution. i'll tell tommorrow what happens.
  5. crakerjak

    help wilted and yellow leaves!!!!!!!!!!!

    im having the same problem. i grow outdoors in miracle gro and my best plant was the one that started wilting. im having trouble uploading the pictures.
  6. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    also i keep trying to upload my pictures but i get "http 500 internal server error" every time i do it.
  7. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    please help. i need to do something as quick as possible.
  8. crakerjak

    2 Weeks old, yellow folding leaves

    i have a problem with one of my best plants. i started noticing it about 2 days ago. i am growing outdoors. the problem is only on the top 2 pairs of leaves and the newest ones coming out. one is folding, but the biggest problem is the inner part of the leaves are turning yellow and the outer...
  9. crakerjak

    new grower needs soil advice

    im planting outdoors and want to know if miracle gro organic soil mix is good to use. also i am wondering what other stuff i can put in the soil to make it better. :peace: