Miracle grow soil ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah so i am about to go the store and buy some supplies, one thing i was considering on my wal-mart income was Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil ( says it hold moisture btter) will this be good for growing my lowryder 2 seed ? {{ i remember reading somewhere it was bad but i need more sources before not using it }}

Also i have NEVER grown with soil before ,just with my AeroGarden . so what kind of pot do i need ? one with holes in the bottom and also i start out out "jiffy" cubes right ?

Ok thanx and i promise follow-up with pics and a g-journal.



Well-Known Member
I grow in the exactly the same MG moisture control and its good.
You dont even have to add any nuts in the first 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yep start out with small pots. I like real pots and not peat pots. Needs plenty of holes on the bottom.

MG moisture control is fine.


Well-Known Member
cool avatar--im watching the simpsons right now.

do i need to have a container with holes in the bottom? like a flower pot with holes in the bottom? or a bocket with holes. or can it just be a bucket, trashcan, flower pot without holes please help

my first grow with the aerogarden did go so well , still waiting on it's 6 foot ass to finish. so i want this second grow with quality lowryder 2 seeds to good, and i heard soil was the way to go for definite results

HOLES or NO HoLes ?
any other suggestions for this wal-mart list ?( i already got a HPS)

Thnak you all:weed:


Active Member
I would have to recommend "scott's" potting soil instead of "miracle-gro." I have plants in scott's and miracle gro. The miracle gro has a lower ph than the scotts and is harder to grow in. Also i've read it's better to do rockwool or peat moss than jiffy cubes. I don't know because I just germinated in soil and got 9 out of 10.


Well-Known Member
oh ok , so since the addition of holes is suggested , does this mean that i should have them set up on trays .

so that the water wont drip on the table then my carpet , how do i work the holes into my setup.

and what about suggestions on using the HPS through the whole life of the lowryder since it's auto-flowering?



Active Member
Usually the pots will come with a tray, but if not just find something to let the water drip into. I grow outdoors, so I don't have to worry about that.


Well-Known Member
I would do regular veg cycles throught the plants life and should bud perfict I think the miracle grow soil works fine I have had several crops done some type of this.


Well-Known Member
Oh, also you should get a pot with the same amount of gallons as months you will be growing in it.
He needs to start out with a small pot. Both for space reasons and it is hard to water a tiny plant in a giant pot without mucking up the works and making an muddy abortion of it all.