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  1. noturbo

    Extra light?

    Im no expert but i would have thought a 250w hps would be ok for 4 lowriders as theyre only small plants. Adding cfls wouldnt do any harm though, more light the better
  2. noturbo

    From very sick plant to something decent

    Awesome job man, well saved :joint:
  3. noturbo

    Just a quicky before i buy this light

    Iv just ordered one :D cant bloody wait, neither can my plant hehe :joint: Im trying to get round the having a seperate veg room thing by trying a few auto ak47 grows as they use the same light cycle through veg and flower so i can veg and flower in the same room Although i have the 2 125w...
  4. noturbo

    Just a quicky before i buy this light

    Just about to order this light but unsure which bulb to get with it, heres a link to the light 400w Digital Shine Grow Light: Basement Lighting Hydroponics and Plant Grow Lights Im going to be growing some auto ak47 and thought a dual spectrum might be best, which out of these 3 do you...
  5. noturbo

    *Vertical* 2,000watts = 6lbs!!

    This looks uber cool, definately watching this with interest too
  6. noturbo

    week into flower and fan leaves drooping

    Haha thanks man, yea i have the light about an inch away from the top at all times i just pulled it away as it was making my crappy phone camera bugger up After the drink last night shes perked up a bit, still not 100% but better so im guessing she was just thirsty Im pretty temted to order...
  7. noturbo

    week into flower and fan leaves drooping

    Well i gave her a couple of pints to drink and put her to sleep so il see how shes doing tommorow fingers crossed
  8. noturbo

    week into flower and fan leaves drooping

    No worries, thanks for trying :blsmoke:
  9. noturbo

    week into flower and fan leaves drooping

    just a 125w cfl and reflecter at the moment, im upgrading to a 400w hps soon but at the mo the temps dont really go over 25 degrees c
  10. noturbo

    week into flower and fan leaves drooping

    so, as the title really im a week into flowering my big bang and all was going good till i checked it today and all the fan leaves were drooping and it looks pretty ugly at the mo Not sure if its over or under watering, the stems of the fan leaves are soft and hanging right down I think i...
  11. noturbo

    Leaf problem, help?

    Hey, the soil i used is John innes seedling soil and i think it says it has no added nutes but il check again later for you to make sure The problem hasnt got any worse atall and im begining to think i maybe just got some water on the leaves while watering and burnt them a little that way...
  12. noturbo

    ak 48 .19 dec 07

    Which of your plants have been hermies? please dont say femmed big bang lol
  13. noturbo

    Leaf problem, help?

    Right well my big bang girl is having some issues. I noticed a couple of days ago some pale green kinda patches on on of the lower leaves and the bits that where discoloured where also dry and a bit crispy It cant be nute burn because iv only been giving them water untill yesterday and even...
  14. noturbo

    tips curling under?

    Thanks father jack lol, i have only watered it once so far and i think il do it again today as its been 5 days, does that sound right to you?
  15. noturbo

    tips curling under?

    I think the pic is deceiving because of the angle, its about 7" deep Doh, didnt know i needed to mix the soil with perlite oooops! Its just some john innes seedling soil i used Il put a few more pics up when i see some more good growth, hoping for a nice plant as its a big bang from...
  16. noturbo

    tips curling under?

    Yeah il try and include a pic, thats the plant in my avvy but the prob isnt very visable there Im not ph'ing my water, im just using filtered rain water
  17. noturbo

    tips curling under?

    Hey people, just wondering what causes leaf tips to curl under slightly? It dosnt look like a major problem at the moment but i buggered up my last plants so would like to fix any potential probs asap Im only growing one plant just to see if i can get one all the way through any ideas?
  18. noturbo

    Bio Bizz

    Dont know if its a coincidence or not but as soon as i used bio bizz grow on my big bang plants they went yellow and died :( i used a slightly lower concentration than advised too to be carefull
  19. noturbo

    wtf everything bad has to happen to me help me (pics)

    Yea it looks less than a week old so you definately need more light! Also that thing looks really over watered, i think you said you water it every day? dont do that, try and give atleast 3 or 4 days between watering
  20. noturbo

    Drooping Bottom Leaves.

    This happened to my plants and all but one died, the other one is still alive but has totally stopped growing :evil: Hope you get it sorted out