Leaf problem, help?


Well-Known Member
Right well my big bang girl is having some issues. I noticed a couple of days ago some pale green kinda patches on on of the lower leaves and the bits that where discoloured where also dry and a bit crispy

It cant be nute burn because iv only been giving them water untill yesterday and even then i gave them a very weak concentration of organic nutes

If you could help me out with any ideas that would be cool as i want to sort it out before it gets any worse, i cant have this one die too :cry:

heres a couple of pics, its worse on one side



Well-Known Member
hey noturbo, has your problem went away/worsend at all?? Im kinda having the same sorta issue, but I think it still could be nute burn, what type of soil are you using?? whats the NPK on the bag?? some soils contain large amounts of NPK and therfore can burn.
Lemmie know how you make out.


Well-Known Member
hey noturbo, has your problem went away/worsend at all?? Im kinda having the same sorta issue, but I think it still could be nute burn, what type of soil are you using?? whats the NPK on the bag?? some soils contain large amounts of NPK and therfore can burn.
Lemmie know how you make out.
Hey, the soil i used is John innes seedling soil and i think it says it has no added nutes but il check again later for you to make sure

The problem hasnt got any worse atall and im begining to think i maybe just got some water on the leaves while watering and burnt them a little that way while they were under the lights


Well-Known Member
possibly, also could be imbalanced ph levels, tough to say, but if it hasn't gotten any worse I wouldn't worry too much:)