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  1. noturbo

    Help, I dont know whats wrong with my baby!

    My first plant did that and shortly after it died :( Now i know it was down to over watering, let it dry out a bit and hopefully it will get better
  2. noturbo

    question about pills??

    just find an online pharmacy, and buy generic drugs not branded and it will be much cheaper, there will be a few based in europe that will prob post to the US
  3. noturbo

    This sites safety

    hey i was only trying to help man, just saying that exactly what the op asked has allready happend but it was steroids not weed Do you think the dealers and labs advertised where they where on the steroid boards? no, they didnt have to because with the computer experts they have they didnt...
  4. noturbo

    This sites safety

    Just thought id give my 2 cents here but i really wouldnt be to sure about how safe it is to be posting pics of your grows etc. If any of you know what is going on in the steroid circles in the US at the moment everyone is getting busted and its all been done through one of the major...
  5. noturbo

    attempt at second grow

    i started a plant in my windowsill this summer and pretty much hoped for the best without really knowing what i was doin, it grew pretty well to nearly a meter and was quite bushy. Then it just started to die, Now looking round this forum i think i over watered it, Doh! Now im going to try...