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  1. G


    ok so im growing outdores and my plant is still a sapling and how can i tell if im watering to much and when is my plant sapposed to start flowering and is it bad if it starts flouring and how can i provent it if it is and how can i keep bugs off it organically
  2. G


    ive looked but i havent seen anything helpfull i looked for like an hour and i thaught this might help me more if i looked on here so can some1 please help :leaf:
  3. G


    and is there a spray that i can use to make my buds taste like different like a berry taste and studff like that :leaf:
  4. G


    ive sean pics like this and i need to know how to get a good seedling like this...
  5. G


    hay what are the best ways to sprout seeds and is there anything that i can make quic for a good soil and good water please help first time growing and how much malasis do i need for a gallon of water and are there any other remadies that i can use to help my plant gain thc
  6. G


    please help newb lol :leaf:
  7. G


    and does around the roots on ur plant need to be dark and will tinfoil around the top o my pot help at all
  8. G


    what about different waters but i want my plant to be organic and quick and eazy :leaf:
  9. G

    fist time growing

    ? any help is helpfull
  10. G


    how can i get my plant to grow faster outside organically and wont stunt growth:leaf:
  11. G

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    what is bt im a new growwer and im trying to get some good tips :leaf:
  12. G

    fist time growing

    well i already started planting and i started it in a green sprite bottle that i used from a hitter for awile and is there anything that i can use waterwise for organic waters i can use i dont like using any growing waters :leaf:
  13. G

    fist time growing

    and is it 1 tbl spoon or 1 tsp of malasses per gallon of water :leaf:
  14. G

    fist time growing

    srry to be so new at this and how do i get the ph and 1/4 nitrogen
  15. G

    fist time growing

    ok so im growing and ive bean having to move my plant inside and outside do to the weather what do i do and how can i raise the thc level in my marijuana during the sapling stage or how can i make it grow faster and more potent :leaf: