fist time growing

ok so im growing and ive bean having to move my plant inside and outside do to the weather what do i do and how can i raise the thc level in my marijuana during the sapling stage or how can i make it grow faster and more potent :leaf:


Well-Known Member
To make it grow faster in the seedling stage u can keep it under light 24/7 and don't feed it untill it's mature as this will burn the plant and stunt its growth, give it a water with a ph of about 6.0 and then let your soil dry and repeat untill about 3 weeks from seed then You can start adding 1/4 strength nutes with high nitrogen


Well-Known Member
First I'd do a lot of research if I were you, it's ok to be new:-P, I'd recommend using general hydroponics 3 part flora series, it's very affordable. When ur get the Nutes just get a gallon of water and use 1/4 strength of what the bottles tells you, example use four table spoons of the green bottle, just use 1.. Then u need a ph testing kit($18.00) this allows you to test the ph of your Nutes and adjust accordingly


Well-Known Member
Well if ur growing in soil, u really don't need to be as concerned with ur ph levels because the soil acts as a buffer to protect the plant, it is a more serious concern if ur a hydro grower but since u said ur moving ur plants from inside to outside I doubt ur doin hydro. And check around regarding nutes there are alot of em out there fox farms is very popular I use it and its a good product they have the basic trio u can get grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom.


Active Member
srry to be so new at this and how do i get the ph and 1/4 nitrogen

you can make some organic tea for all stages of growth.... there is a excellent form about organic teas and compost in the organic forms i try and use all organic when i fish tea is good for vegetative growth iv made this many times and it works great
: You can use any fresh or dried seaweed. Fresh seaweed has more N in it, but that really isn't important for seaweed teas. You can buy fresh or dried seaweed at most oriental grocery stores or go to the ocean like i do. Seaweed decomposes better if chopped up or liquified first in water before brewing.
If you are using fresh fish, you need to compost it separately in a 5 gallon closeable bucket. Fill bucket 1/2 full with extra browns like sawdust, leaves, or straw. You can add molasses to the fishy mixture in order to build up microbes in order to speed up decomposition. The sugars will also help control odors too. Open the bucket and stir the fishy paste daily or every other day in order to get air in the mix i use airstones for better decomposition and better aerobic microbial growth in the emulsion. Let this paste rot for at least 1-2 weeks. The browns help control offensive odors and absorb organic nitrogen from the fish so that it is not leached out or evaporate .You can apply this fish/seaweed emulsion at a dilution rate from 1:1 to 1:5 ratio (5 gallons of tea to 25 gallons of water). i use it im my rez at a 1:1 thx to an old greed thumb...


Active Member
you can make this tea for all stages of growth do some research and you will find some cheep and easy ways to feed organically and know exactly you are feeding to your little or big ones lol :weed:
well i already started planting and i started it in a green sprite bottle that i used from a hitter for awile and is there anything that i can use waterwise for organic waters i can use i dont like using any growing waters