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  1. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    So any attention may it be negative is better than nothing? You are the troll seeking trolls. Cut it out and your threads will be left alone.
  2. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    If that is the way you feel, why do you continue to post here? You seem to get off on it.
  3. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Your shit? It is's shit. :D
  4. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Heya majek, the livechat link is broken but you can still get there through a chat client. :D
  5. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    This is a grow thread not an Insult the OP thread or pick on FIN thread. If you guys can not stick to the topic at hand this thread will be shut down. The personal insults in this thread are ridiculous and getting out of hand, you all need to chill out and post constructive stuff he can actually...
  6. Chiceh

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    What do you expect when you are on a moderated site?
  7. Chiceh

    Can anybody give a suggestion?

    We have moderators for middle people. If there is an issue they can not resolve they take it to a global moderator. That is the chain of command here. Thanks for trying to help Krondizzel but I think it is figured out now. :D
  8. Chiceh

    Rollitup Live Chat Rules and Guidelines

    server - room - #rollitup port 6667
  9. Chiceh

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Good morning RIU. Wow all the snow is melted and gone, it feels like spring out there. Now I can see all the dog shit I need to clean up....damn eh LOL. :D
  10. Chiceh

    Age difference

    Ya, you are odd that way eh? LOL :D
  11. Chiceh

    Age difference

    Not a nice mental image.................
  12. Chiceh

    Age difference

    Depends if you have to change them? lol
  13. Chiceh

    Age difference

    As long as they are both consenting adults and are happy there shouldn't be an issue in my opinion. :D
  14. Chiceh

    what to call my new puppy coming in a few weeks

    Axel for boy or Lola for girl. :D
  15. Chiceh

    Rollitup Live Chat Rules and Guidelines

    Not sure what is going on, he says it is fixed but yet you can't get on. Have you tried to connect through an IRC client?
  16. Chiceh

    why is one of the rollitup's character's eye bigger than the other?

    Johnny Potseed is winking. ;)
  17. Chiceh

    More trouble with clones

    What do you have under the tray, any solution? If so, how often do you change it out? What are the temps? They look like they need some Nitrogen.
  18. Chiceh

    moderator contact(s)

    We don't have any other contact for mods other than pm. Do you have an issue that I can try to help resolve?
  19. Chiceh

    Funny sibbling stories..

    Being the youngest of 3, there are way too many stories. One time, I watched my older brother put my other brother in the dryer, closed the door and turned it on. Wow was he screaming!. Then mom came running to his rescue and ruined it.
  20. Chiceh

    Justin Bieber smokes blunts.

    This kid's home town is about 25 minutes from my town. He is referred to as "The Turd from Stratford" LOL. The place goes nuts when he is around. The kid can't even go to the mall for all the people swarming him and screaming. The weed smoking really isn't that big of a deal here as so many...