Funny sibbling stories..


Well-Known Member
I have a few.. but will start with one..

I had not seen my family in about 6 months and had a trip to magic mountain planned with him and a few others.
We were on the way there and the girls we were with needed to use the bathroom bad..

We are on the grapevine not close enough to a town for them so we pull off this road and there is this old camping area that has a bathroom.

We all go in and do our business and as I am standing there washing my hands I ask my brother, who is in the stall taking a dump how my younger brother is doing.. my older brother seems this is the funniest thing and starts laughing quietly but while he is laughing he is farting so all I hear is him laughing and making the pfhhht phftt pfhhht phftt sound echoing in the toilet

family is fun!!
I have a scar on my left hand from where my uncle stabbed me {by accident} with a fork while fighting over the last piece of turkey stuffing.
I have a few.. but will start with one..

I had not seen my family in about 6 months and had a trip to magic mountain planned with him and a few others... we were on the way there and the girls we were with needed to use the bathroom bad.. were on the grapevine not close enough to a town for them so we pull off this road and there is this old camping area that has a bathroom. We all go in and do our business and as I am standing there washing my hands I ask my brother, who is in the stall taking a dump how my younger brother is doing.. my older brother seems this is the funniest thing and starts laughing quietly but while he is laughing he is farting so all I hear is him laughing and making the pfhhht phftt pfhhht phftt sound echoing in the toilet

family is fun!!

Im pretty baked:eyesmoke:...
Just sitting here watching college basketball..
Very nice story,...I enjoyed it and it made me laugh...
My sister turned me in to the US marshals. Gave 'em every detail, including aliases, hair color, and my love of Latin women.

I like your stories better.
Teaching my little brother how to ride a bike when he was seven and I was nine...I am 27 now...... Anyhow,...he yells out "WHERE GONNA CRASH INTO THE PATUNIA'S!!!!!!!"
Well that turned from a funny story to a sad one.
The patunia's!!! LOL

How did he drown if don't mind me asking?
I'm just genuinely curious since you mentioned it.
My condolences.
My brother Josh was a good young man.... He got into drugs just like his older brother did...ME.. He started selling ecstacy and doing it all in the same time..He had a beach party with 4 guys and 4 girls...They went out on a log swimming pretty far out..He was in the middle and there were his two buddies on each end...The guy on the end...NOW MIND YOU THIS IS ALL HEAR SAY BECAUSE I ACTUALLY WASNT THERE" decided it would be quiker to push the log down and kick his legs..Well, brother slipped off and went down...He was a good swimmer,..but they said he tried grabbing them and bringing them under so I think he swollowed water or something but they freaked out and went to the beach..MIND YOU THERE ALL ON E...Any how the girls call the ambulance and they say he just went under and they couldnt see him anymore..In the divers report; ITS SAYS THAT IT TOOK TWO DIVERS TO PULL THE ROCK THAT WAS STUCK ON MY BROTHERS FOOT TO GET HIM OUT?? DOES THAT MEAN HE WENT DOWN AND TRIED PUSHING HIMSELF UP AND IT GOT STUCKKK...HE WAS FOUND IN ONLY 7 FEET OF WATER....IT TOOK THE DIVE TEEM 30 MINUTES TO GET THERE....
may god rest your soul my brother.....
Being the youngest of 3, there are way too many stories. One time, I watched my older brother put my other brother in the dryer, closed the door and turned it on. Wow was he screaming!. Then mom came running to his rescue and ruined it.
My lady stabbed her older brother in the leg when she was younger... With a rusty pen.

The dastardly deed that brought down this hellish Tyranny? He tried hiding in HER hiding spot during Kick the Can.

God, I LOVE Cholas!
My younger sister and I were on our way to Rock Lake (swimming lake ) and on one of the trails commonly taken there was a sealed can of skoal on the ground..
I insisted it was a mint chocolate flake type candy.. so she took a chaw full and had a good 3-4 second delay before she started to make a gagging sound and spitting it out on the trail.. the funniest part was we were a good 20 minute walk to the nearest water fountain.. (this was before water bottles)
The youngest of 8-havent talked to any of my brothers in 25 plus years,nor 3 of my sisters.Gave up on being the Waltons a long time ago!The one sister who is closest to me in age once told me she was so happy when I came along because it gave the others something else to torment.Im gonna do some bong hits and chat with my chum-Jack.Later.
Being the youngest of 3, there are way too many stories. One time, I watched my older brother put my other brother in the dryer, closed the door and turned it on. Wow was he screaming!. Then mom came running to his rescue and ruined it.
My brother and I were left in the care of an uncle, one who like to drink and have a good time {no fault there right}. But when he takes you to a fishing hole in the dead of night and proceeds to pass out with his buddy in the back of the panel truck, what's a 14 and 10 yr old supposed to do.

Well you take the keys and drive your asses home, which we did, me driving my bro sitting shotgun and the drunks passed out in the back. We got home and went to bed, he wakes up and has no clue as of how he got home....till this day he still hasn't figured it out :eyesmoke:
Years ago I made a trip to Fla and while down there on the very last day I touched the Spanish Moss-big mistake. There are insects called Red Bug. Guess what they really love me. By the time I made it back home they were all over me.

I went to the doctor and the first thing he said was, 'have you been in Fla'. He told me to bathe myself from head to toe in Quill. You know what that is for don't you? Scabies, Red Bugs are in the scabie family, ewwwww.

Somewhere along the line I picked up my younger brother on the trip to the pharmacy. When we get there we see a few people in line and maybe 6 milling around waiting for their scripts. I handed over the script (hand written) to the pharmacy tech and of course she can't read it.

She then asks what the script is for and I lean in and whisper, 'Quill'.

She says, 'What?'

I lean in a little closer and whisper, 'Quill'

She says, 'What?'

My brother is now standing next to me and he says in a loud voice, 'Quill'. Some people turn and look.

Then she says, 'What is that for?'

And in an even louder voice he says, 'Scabies'. With that everyone turns around and stares. I thought I was going to melt into the floor.

It's been 20 years and it still is told every year at family gatherings. He thinks it's one of the funniest things he's ever done. He even tells strangers the story.
So many stories. My sister made me angry one time so I pinned her to the floor and shaved off one half of each of her eyebrows. She still complains about it more than 20 years later.