FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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you are not teaching

that requires lecture,

all you do is go, " im doing this and this is why" but the information to what you are doing and why are always vague and convoluted

posting 1 min updates and songs, is not teaching, you still cant explain what stress and why,how, it will make your plants healthier . .or better, whatever "it" term you need to use

ill be here or at youtube when it is done
I must say this thread has given me more than a few good laughs thanks for that finshaggy. I just don't understand what you are trying to accomplish besides trolling everyone on these forums.

Your theory is somewhat correct about stressing plants, low stress can be good for plants in the long run, but too much stress will stunt growth and produce hermaphrodites if they bloom at all.
As soon as they start growing pollen sacs (male flowers) it will halt female flower growth immediately, resulting in seeded buds with very little trichome/thc production.
Too much heat alone will cause hermie plants without any other factors added in. If you want seeds just do some breeding, hermie seeds will only produce more hermies.

Stressing the roots will cause pH lockout among other worse things like mould/fungus/insects. Your soil is way too dense and muddy for optimal root growth, on top of that you added milk which will only curdle and cause calcium deposits/root rot.
Once the roots are locked out, nutrients cannot be absorbed and processed by the plant and will effect the final product big time. This is why pH testing is so important.
I personally don't pH test my water, Denver tap water has the perfect acidity for plants as long as all other conditions are perfect.

I know from personal experience that too much stress will not grow better bud, plants grow better in optimal conditions just like animals. This is based on years of trial and error and a bit of common sense.
If you deprive yourself of adequate sunlight/food/water you will grow brittle bones and weak muscles, and if a person is lacking vital nutrients like vitamin D for a long period of time they will eventually die.
The whole point of growing marijuana indoors is to produce the most bud in the shortest amount of time. Stunting the plants on purpose will only add more time to your harvest.
you are not teaching

that requires lecture,

Yeah, because the only way to learn is out of a book with a random authority figure at the front of an institutional building :dunce: Lecture ain't shit compared to SHOWING someone something. And in case you haven't noticed, I do teach through lecture all over my channel. :dunce: I have tons of vlogs where I talk tot he camera about Black panthers, The Bible, the history of weed, all kinds of shit :lol:
No, I am motivated by teaching people abut weed. you wouldn't believe the amount of thanks I get just for showing people what an overwatered plant looks like and for showing people how to something as simple as scrapping resin. I'm going to show EVERYONE how to make hash and grow weed and do EVERYTHING else I can show them. Yes I'll make money along the way. But most people would make their money the capitalist way, which is to keep knowledge a secret and sell the outcome of what you know, and at least I'm not doing that. I'm actually sharing everything :lol:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^That is fucking hysterical^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^maybe the funniest, most delusional you have come out with yet! Also just so you know the reason people like me dislike you is because we tried to help and got nothing but insults for it.
I must say this thread has given me more than a few good laughs thanks for that finshaggy. I just don't understand what you are trying to accomplish besides trolling everyone on these forums.

I'm not trolling anyone, I'm replying to trolls on my own fucking thread :dunce: I don't GO anywhere else on this website but my threads, it's impossible for me to be a troll. And if you were paying attention you would know exactly what I am trying to accomplish. So thanks for writing like 3 very uninformed paragraphs. :dunce:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^That is fucking hysterical^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^maybe the funniest, most delusional you have come out with yet! Also just so you know the reason people like me dislike you is because we tried to help and got nothing but insults for it.

No one likes you. And only like 20 of you dislike me. You're being really delusional by acting like my thread contains more than .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of growers, let alone people in general. :lol: This thread probably contains like 1/10,000,000th of the members here :lol: :lol: :lol: No one even knows who you are. I just have haters because there are so many people that wish I would fail, even though I don't :lol:
No one likes you. And only like 20 of you dislike me. You're being really delusional by acting like my thread contains more than .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of growers, let alone people in general. :lol: This thread probably contains like 1/10,000,000th of the members here :lol: :lol: :lol: No one even knows who you are. I just have haters because there are so many people that wish I would fail, even though I don't :lol:

LMFAO I don't need people to like me, also since I have been a member of this site I have tried to help many new growers and gave out good advice like I tried to do for you and the fact that you can't grow just makes everything that comes out of your mouth funny! it must be that everyone else is retarded and your not? fuck off your an imbecile and your advice isn't worth the time it takes to type it.
My first grow probably yielded more than all your grows put together and that was my worst grow, since then my yields have improved with every grow can you say the same? I highly doubt it judging by what I've seen so far.
The plants I currently have growing are already in flower and will more than likely be finished before your even make to veg if they make it that far! you are a joke and your threads are nothing more than entertainment for those of who know better, anyone with even half a clue that comes across your grows and info will see the mental disability you are faced with and probably take pity on you, shit even my misses said I should leave you alone because you obviously have learning problems and it isn't fair to pick on people with conditions like yours, fair do's though you have given us some laughs and the fact that you document your stupidity is truly hilarious it's just a shame you don't live at home with your parents so they could monitor your internet activity and stop you from making a dick of yourself on the net, I'm not angry with you though finn I do truly pity you and the fact that your house mates will prob kick you out for ruining their weed just makes the situation a little sadder.
I'm not trolling anyone, I'm replying to trolls on my own fucking thread :dunce: I don't GO anywhere else on this website but my threads, it's impossible for me to be a troll. And if you were paying attention you would know exactly what I am trying to accomplish. So thanks for writing like 3 very uninformed paragraphs. :dunce:

Not true you posted a few times in my journal so I thought I would check out yours :) If you don't want my advice that's fine but my post was very informative. I'm only here to help :)
Not true you posted a few times in my journal :) If you don't want my advice that's fine but my post was very informative. I'm only here to help :)

You started off by saying "I don't know what you're goal is" So obviously you haven't been paying attention to me, WHY the hell should I pay attention to you :dunce: :lol:
You started off by saying "I don't know what you're goal is" So obviously you haven't been paying attention to me, WHY the hell should I pay attention to you :dunce: :lol:

You haven't given any scientific or even rational explanation behind your theory, and you haven't told anyone what your goal is besides "it will grow better bud".
You should pay attention to me because I'm friends with some of the best growers in Colorado :)
Then why was you're last post about how much people here like you :lol: :dunce:

Learn to read you illiterate chimp...........why people like me dislike you!!! and whoever 420mon is needs to stop liking your ramblings, I'm guessing that's one of your sock puppet accounts because there can't be another as retarded as yourself.
lolololololol now fin is starting to get mad figuring out that NO ONE likes him and NO ONE wants him here, as samwell said, take your shameless self promotion to grasscity or icmag or somewhere else, people at RIU dont stand for that shit, you are EVERYTHING that the people of RIU hate as a community, you represent capitalism in the worst kind of way here, THATS why no one likes you :lol::lol: haha only took you 290 pages to figure it out lol
No mon likes it because he must like it right? Mon means he wouldn't like it if he didn't like it so he must like it.........or did mon mean he likes it because he does not really like it but he likes it anyway because he wants to not like it?

Whoever mon am, you need to worry about yerself cuz mon is crazy, aint that crazy?
I have over and over. You just have failed to notice it. Because you think I don't know what I am doing. You're bias. FUCK YOU. Fuck Troll It Up :D

I never said you don't know what you're doing. I watched your videos and read a few posts but I'm not going to read 300 pages of "just wait it will be the dank in 6 months".
Stop getting advice from meth head juggahos and take some real advice from real growers who only want to help.
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