More trouble with clones


10 days in. First 7 days the humidity dome was on full and the plants were green. Then I opened the flaps and now this is happening. Is it a concern? Do most clones show signs of deficiency/ decay before taking root? Thanks for the help in advance.

Picture is kind of bleached, but there is yellowing and curling and the leaves are dying/ turning crispy. Don't know what this is from... has not happened with clones from other strain; those clones are still all green... no roots showing and 12 days in but they are all still healthy and green.
I bet they root , mine show similar symptoms any within a day or two they root fine !It takes 7-16 days some longer !
Looks good
What do you have under the tray, any solution? If so, how often do you change it out? What are the temps? They look like they need some Nitrogen.
I've read that clones start to turn a little yellow and it's normal because the plant is putting it's energy into root formation. Most of mine have yellowed just before root formation and have turned around once I'd planted them...from what I know, if you're growing in nutrients for the first two weeks...but if you're doing hydro...sorry, don't know much about the nutrients on that. hope that helps.
I've read that clones start to turn a little yellow and it's normal because the plant is putting it's energy into root formation. Most of mine have yellowed just before root formation and have turned around once I'd planted them...from what I know, if you're growing in nutrients for the first two weeks...but if you're doing hydro...sorry, don't know much about the nutrients on that. hope that helps.

One other thought...what's your room humidity like? I keep mine at around 50 to 60 % for new plants.
Yes its a major problem. You have kept the medium drenched in humidity dome by overwatering. When you water them only wet them 50% not saturated and this has killed the clones ,start again ,reduce watering and get them out of the dome in 4-5 days.
Thanks for the feedback. I put about 16 oz of water in the tray at the beginning. And my room humidity stays at about 65%, and higher under the dome. And the temperature is in the mid-seventies; no heating pad. Will wait this out as they are already 10 days in. Another 6 days won't hurt. And then, if still no signs of root development I will scrap the batch and try again.