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  1. BluffinCali

    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Will prop19 make existing medicinal growers adhere to the 5x5 growing space? Anyone who knows at all about growing outdoors will know that one decent size plant will easily exceed those dimensions, even for indoor growers thats just a tiny little area. That is my main concern, but the idea of...
  2. BluffinCali

    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Can someone just explain how it will effect current medicinal growers, will we be confined to the 5x5 area the same as others not under a doctors recommendation? Will the cities or counties be able to charge excessive taxes on personal medical grows? I would really like legalization but I need...
  3. BluffinCali

    outdoor flowering

    Well if your in the s. hemisphere your not going to be flowering for quite awhile dude, I kinda of forget harvest months down there but its something like Mar/April I believe...that does explain why your plants arent flowering. Not sure how long your plants have been growing but by the time they...
  4. BluffinCali

    If cops are going to raid a growhouse, what time do they usually do it?

    It can happen anytime of day, mainly your run of the mill raids are going to happen early in the morning, but dont think judges dont gettin waken up in the middle of the night to sign off warrants and they'll be kickin in that door at 4:30am, just depends on the particular case, agency and location.
  5. BluffinCali

    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    In time I believe that sort of stereotype should go away for the most part, I mean we dont look at the budweiser delivery truck driver as a large scale drug dealer, even though in reality hes delivering drugs all day long. The more and more I hear is just confirming my original thought about...
  6. BluffinCali

    outdoor flowering

    Has the plant been outside yet, or is this an indoor plant that your putting outside to flower and havent done so yet???
  7. BluffinCali

    outdoor flowering

    I had one dominant sativa just go into flower about 2wks ago, but all my other strains have been flowering for awhile, basicly about 5wks into flower for the rest. Im assuming you live in the northern hemisphere, one thing you should do is to feed the plants some nutrients that have a much...
  8. BluffinCali

    Why isn't that guy going to burn korans?

    Who said anything about justification, we wouldnt be where we are today if it wasnt for roadrunner bin laden, I want our troops out of that asshole of the earth place, last thing Im looking for is any sort of opinion or justification from anybody who believes its all about rape, pillage and...
  9. BluffinCali

    Which strain should I grow next?

    I would go with the chronic, its name says it all, good yielder, great balanced high but leans more towards a cerebral feeling but its a tough decision between a few of those strains. If you've never tried sensi star then that would be a good one for sure, some of the best smoke around...the...
  10. BluffinCali

    Having problems with Attitude Seedbank

    Well good thing is that Attitude is in my opinion far and away the best seedbank out there and they will help you out and make sure all goes well. You know you could call them up internationally, I know I have in the past, Im on the west coast so I had to wait until like 2am but that way you...
  11. BluffinCali

    My Outdoor Medicine :) 5 strains

    Looking good bro, that blue dream has become one of my favorite day time smokes, tastes so damn good. One of my buddies just got a job a month ago down in Oakland at one of the first commercial grows that Ive ever heard of, I guess just to apply for the permit was $250,000 and theres not...
  12. BluffinCali

    How long does spider mite damage last?

    Dude I just lost a cycle due to spider mites and if theres eggs then there are mites, nevermind the fact that those eggs will be hatching and there will be thousands more. What ever you do dont stop treating your plants, wipe down underneatrh the leaves, I even used a shop vac to suck up...
  13. BluffinCali

    Coming up on Soma's, Ativan's & Liquid Morphine!

    Oxycontin is worth more than gold thats for sure, but trust me dude the last thing you want to start up is an oxy habit, or any consistent use of opiates, I know its fun for awhile and most of the time you can control your use, but there will come a day that you stop taking it to feel good and...
  14. BluffinCali

    Coming up on Soma's, Ativan's & Liquid Morphine!

    Yeah if your opiate tolerant, if you take 10-40mgs you will for sure get high off of it, not that its the best idea, but then again I probably wouldnt pass the oppurtunity up if I found I bottle of liquid morhphine. As for the soma and ativan, ativan is benzodiazepine, just like valium, xanax...
  15. BluffinCali

    Why isn't that guy going to burn korans?

    I wish I knew and doubt whether you could ever get a straight answer about it, but someday, dead or alive we will get that piece of shit
  16. BluffinCali

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Forgot about super cropping, that is far and away my newest favorite technique to play around with mainly indoors, but its so simple yet absolutely genius, if for some reason you dont know what super cropping is by all means look it up, theres a few different techniques by either squeezing or...
  17. BluffinCali

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Theres alot of old timers that will swear by not touching your plants at all, dont even pick off dead leaves. My friend and I have a sizeable outdoor medical garden, we've been growing outdoors for almost 10years now, so between us both we have tried alot of different techniques. Alot of it...
  18. BluffinCali

    Why isn't that guy going to burn korans?

    Its a new day thank God!