Having problems with Attitude Seedbank


Well-Known Member
I couldn't find exactly where to place this thread section wise so i went with newbie central :joint:. I placed an order two nights ago and everything went fine and order process went through. However, for some reason, i have not received a SINGLE email from attitude in my inbox. Not even a verification of the account i created. I provided the correct email address along with all correct personal info when i placed the order. At first I tried to login and i forgot my password so i clicked "forgot your password?" and pretty much dug myself into a deeper hole now that I cant check what the new password for my account is due to me not receiving any emails from attitude. It almost seems like my ISP is blocking the IP of attitude or the mail is being filtered somehow. I checked my spam box as well in my email and nothing :cry:

anyone else ever have this problem in the past?
and if it helps, my email provider is comcast. ANY help is GREATLY appreciated.

and on a side note, i sent a few emails over to them explaining my situation with my login info and personal details but don't think that will help considering i cant receive emails in return from them.

also, Im currently 2 weeks into flowering my SSH and 5th week of Veg on another SSH (undetermined sex atm)
as i just said, i checked my spam folder; but nothing : ( I currently have no emails being placed in my spam folder, that way i have everything go into my inboxUntitled-1.jpg
Open a Yahoo or Gmail account...

and do what though? i cannot track my order without being logged in on the account i placed it on.. that's the main reason i want to log in; that and to make sure the order was correct before it was finally shipped out
Thats definitely odd. I've only placed a single order with Attitude and everything went as smooth as silk. If I remember correct they send both order and shipment confirmation emails, and its a huge plus being able to track it. Send them an email and I'm sure they'll sort everything out for you, I wouldn't worry as they are very reliable and seem to treat just about everyone who orders from them quite well.
I ordered from them last night and had an email in my Yahoo account immediately. It sounds like they dont have the right email. I believe they have a 24 number. Did you call?
That's what i cant figure out, regardless; i sent them an email from my yahoo email explaining the situation and provided some personal info for verification purposes. I also stated that i would provide my card number used to order if needed. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I've only placed a single order with Attitude and everything went as smooth as silk.

Me too.
And don´t panic SoFlo - Attitude are a reputable UK company and work iaw the UK Distance Selling Regulations. You can complain to UK Trading Standards if you have problems with them.
quick update on the situation; i got a reply rather quickly from Attitude and was given my new temporary password. However, when i log in i get a login failed error. I am using the exact email address of the account "no typos", and the password was directly copy/pasted into the box from my email. I even then tried to type it out in hopes that maybe on the email there was a space before or after when i copied it. still no luck :cry:
I sent over another email explaining my new problem and hopefully i can finally check my order status.

So far nothing, Attitude isn't open on weekends im guessing so the email i sent back to them on Friday probably wont get responded to until Monday. The password they sent me currently doesn't work so we'll just have to sit and wait to see what happens.
Still no reply as of yet, anyone know where Attitude is located more specifically than the UK? Im trying to figure out what time it is there at the office their located at so see when can i start to expect a reply email from the one i sent back on friday night.
Well good thing is that Attitude is in my opinion far and away the best seedbank out there and they will help you out and make sure all goes well. You know you could call them up internationally, I know I have in the past, Im on the west coast so I had to wait until like 2am but that way you dont have to wait for email, or especially if your having problems with you email. When you do talk to them see if you can get your tracking number from them and then you can just go to royal mail tracking then onto usps tracking, if your really that worried. Ive had nearly 30 orders with attitude and only once did I have a problem and that was usps losing my order which attitude replaced and ended up giving me twice as many freebies as I would have originally got. Main thing is just be polite and patient, you'll obvioulsy get better service that way, Ive heard of way too many people bombarding them with demanding emails then wondering why it taking so long for them to get back to them, there only a seedbank, basicly the middle man, so once they ship the order its out of their hands which is why I always opt for the guaranteed shipping, even though Ive only had one instance where I actually needed it, better to be safe than sorry, plus I got a closet full of tshirts, by the way if you get a shirt make sure you order a size bigger than you wear cause they shrink everytime. Peace and good luck, let me know if you have any problems that I can help you with, take care!
Update on the situation. I got a reply email that didnt exactly help with anything; im actually a little confused to be honest. But instead of freaking out i just politely emailed back asking what the error could be and if possible, the password they provided me could be incorrect for i still get a "login failed" error when attempting to log in.
login failed 2.jpg