Coming up on Soma's, Ativan's & Liquid Morphine!

It's an odd fascination isn't is ANC!

I took (3) .5mg ativan's and it did relax me of course... but the feeling wasn't something that captured my interest or provoked a more than abnormal judgement then I usually get while sober.

I expect the morphine to be different, in all regards!
And the oxycontin train has just stopped aboard. A few crush up ones and up the nostril it'll go pretty soon. Will report effects soon enough. Let's see what all the hype is about!

If anyone of you is an opiate fanactic, please feel free to name your # 1 opiate of choice!
as to Morphine.. well it is 1/2 the strength of heroin (diacetylmorphine) and I am not sure about the addictiveness (I binged on it for like 4 months, but I did not find it hard to put down cold turkey.. no withdrawl, no relapse, nothin).

You have no idea what you're talking about. That is physically impossible.
Best[WHITE];4634497 said:
You have no idea what you're talking about. That is physically impossible.

Beg to differ. Telling shepj "you don't know what you're talking about" is like telling a Jew you're not a Nazi ;)
Yeah if your opiate tolerant, if you take 10-40mgs you will for sure get high off of it, not that its the best idea, but then again I probably wouldnt pass the oppurtunity up if I found I bottle of liquid morhphine. As for the soma and ativan, ativan is benzodiazepine, just like valium, xanax, klonopin etc. the soma will also kinda make you feel drowsy but they do work well for muscle spasms. One of the reasons I use much more weed these days is to stay away from those kinda drugs, although I still have my pain medication just not taking nearly as much as I used to. Just be careful dude, peace
Beg to differ. Telling shepj "you don't know what you're talking about" is like telling a Jew you're not a Nazi ;)


I never had liquid for recreational but ive takin the pills, it was pretty cool I used to pop them opiates all day I enjoy the slow semi-wasted feeling
[Edited out] (read something wrong)
Back in HS I kinda binged on heroin for about 4-5 months, had a friend who was severely addicted and I wanted to try everything. Never injected or smoked it, just sniffed, but I also had no problems with withdrawal or relapse. I feel I just didn't care about it enough, wasn't my thing. Same with any downer or pain killer. Took a bunch of OC's, Vic's, Xanax, Liquid Codeine(sometimes with tylenol and others with promethazine[R.I.P. DJ Screw and Pimp C]) a bunch of times, Liquid Hydrocodone a few times, some perc's. Most of that was done in high amounts and close together. Not as much as I did the heroin though(pretty much every day from after school till I went to sleep). I just never really had a problem with downers, but at the same time I keep cocaine away from me most of the time because I can easily slip into a downward spiral. So when I do it, I get a one nights amount and wont let myself see it again for at least a month. No longer friends with the dealers, now just friends of friends. Used to be the same with ecstasy when I was 18-19 but I have chilled on that more, still do it just no longer fiend. Love the other psychs but I've always tried to respect them so I haven't had much of a problem, except for a few occasions. Alcohol is also probably my most addictive substance. Love weed but can chill out if I want to lower my tolerance. Have actually started doing that now as I'm low on money and I smoke too much when I have it.

I'm no expert in addiction, not even close, but I know people who are addicted to everything. Some who will do everything heavily and not get addicted at all, others that will do everything and only get addicted to a few certain things (me, thank God I know this). I do know some people are more susceptible to certain chemicals, or certain feelings. I get addicted to the feelings. That's why I haven't had much of a problem with withdrawal, no chemical dependence. Except with alcohol, I only like alcohol in smaller amounts but when I was younger I couldn't keep myself under what I wanted and would get horribly drunk. Now I either just buy less at a store, or bring less money to a bar. But when a bottle is being passed around, I have to focus on being strong.

Kind of went on a rant there, sorry. But my main point is, everyone has there vices, everyone has there own different strengths, always be careful because you may not know you're addicted until you're in very deep. If you do something a lot for a week or two, then chill out for the next week or two, or month and see how much you fiend for it. Even if it's not a lot keep it in moderation. Also, I realize I got lucky that I had no, or very little, chemical dependence on heroin. Others generally are not that lucky

Right on man, and endanger, regarding that combo, i'd be real careful with the benzo/ opiate thing. You know that. Yoiu just fall aleep. Bad mix.
Hehe, yes I know that. I didn't mean to take all these at the same time. I mean I acquired all these and wanted to receive some opinions from you fellows. But oxycontin is gold ;)
Oxycontin is worth more than gold thats for sure, but trust me dude the last thing you want to start up is an oxy habit, or any consistent use of opiates, I know its fun for awhile and most of the time you can control your use, but there will come a day that you stop taking it to feel good and you have to take it just to avoid being deathly sick with withdrawls. Ive had plenty of experience and hopefully you take what Im saying serious, but Ive took every opiate you could think of, both for pain and eventually just to get high, but it all started with my own prescriptions for serious, painful conditions that I have to deal with which eventually led me to extreme abuse of my medication and what ever I could find on top of it. Dont ever think that your ammune to not becoming addicted, it is true that some are more likely than others but addiction doesnt discriminate and once your there its an ongoing problem for the rest of your life. I know your probably sitting back laughing or not even reading this but theres some drugs you dont want to fuck with and opiates are one of them, especially oxy's dude, people start out popping or snorting them and eventually maybe years down the road you'll be slamming them, or have to go the cheaper route of buying heroin. Thats why weed is so unique, you can smoke all you want and never worry about overdosing, there is no physical addiction, you can grow it yourself and it can help people like myself avoid or signifigantly cut down my use of drugs that are flat out dangerous. Its crazy to think that most of the general population could careless about people being prescribed narcotics, but meanwhile thinking that using marijuana is actually dangerous, most have just been raised with constant lies about weed and a tireless campaign buy our government to target marijuana more than any other drug, and we get to pay their salaries. Like I said if I cam upon a bottle of morphine I would probably have a couple fun days, but dont think for one second that the first day its gone you wont think about goiing and getting something similar and thats how it all starts. Alright Im done preaching, if you cant tell I had serious problem that is better now but I will still be dealing with it for the rest of my life. Just be careful, peace man....
i use to do alot of pills.Xanax and somas especially.I would take about 15 somas...and where they are a muscle relaxer..those things use to make me shake really bad...i would flop like a fish..we call it ''soma coma'' or the soma shuffle....i would sit there and vibrate...and no way would i get a sentence out lol..those are a dangerous pill tho..very dangerous
i use to do alot of pills.Xanax and somas especially.I would take about 15 somas...and where they are a muscle relaxer..those things use to make me shake really bad...i would flop like a fish..we call it ''soma coma'' or the soma shuffle....i would sit there and vibrate...and no way would i get a sentence out lol..those are a dangerous pill tho..very dangerous

do you have to take that much for effect. like a robo high?>