outdoor flowering

if you live in north america just leave her outside, season has already changed. the days are getting shorter meaning the natural 12/12 cycle has changed so just toss em outside and let nature do its thing
I had one dominant sativa just go into flower about 2wks ago, but all my other strains have been flowering for awhile, basicly about 5wks into flower for the rest. Im assuming you live in the northern hemisphere, one thing you should do is to feed the plants some nutrients that have a much higher ratio of phosphorous and potassium something like (1-5-3) ratio would work fine, your plants need these added amounts of macro nutes to help the transition. Assuming you are in the N. Hem. theres no reason that I can think of that your plant shouldnt be flowering, we've had the necessary sun light cycle for over a month now, plants dont take exactly 12/12 to flower, Im forgetting at the moment but right now during flower the plants are getting just over 13hrs of light I believe, maybe someone knows something I dont, good luck, peace!
Has the plant been outside yet, or is this an indoor plant that your putting outside to flower and havent done so yet???
Well if your in the s. hemisphere your not going to be flowering for quite awhile dude, I kinda of forget harvest months down there but its something like Mar/April I believe...that does explain why your plants arent flowering. Not sure how long your plants have been growing but by the time they flower they should be pretty damn big so atleast thats something to look forward to...peace