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  1. D

    Bleach instead of H2o2

    I started using the pool shock as well. Much easier to deal with then straight bleach. I used 24 grams per gallon and add 1 teaspoon for every 5 gallons of water and add it every other day if I remember. I beleive its 2X as strong as Clear Rez. You dont think that changing the water out...
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    I Hate Cloning

    Wow, okay I'll try that. My 120 site EZ cloner is usually around 74-78 degrees. I'll drop a heater in and see how it does at 82-84. I have a batch of clones on aheat mat right now at 75 degrees, I'll raise that up as well. Its weird because when I touch the medium it feels warm at 75. Whats...
  3. D

    Make $2200 worth of "Clear Rez" for $4 !!!

    Yes correct. Plus this is the EXACT SAME product they are using in the very overpriced Clear Rez made for hydroponics.
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    I Hate Cloning

    Looks good. 84 degrees ? Isnt that a bit hot ? How do you regulate the temp (where do you place the heat sensor)? I put my sensor right into one of my cubes to give a accurate temp reading. You water 2 times a day? Even from the very start ? Man I never water mine more then once every...
  5. D

    I Hate Cloning

    Sorry, yes plain water. Will get the soon to be cuttings nice and hydrated right at the source and eliminate any wilting at all basically. I used to get wilting going right to clone machine. Usually they would perk back up over night but sometimes they would stay wil.ted for longer. Started...
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    I Hate Cloning

    Spray your moms prior to cutting. Prevents the drooping you are talking about.
  7. D

    EZ Cloner advice? Looking for surefire success!

    Pool shock solution is EXACTLY the same as EZ Clone Clear Rez. The chlorine level in city water is 1-5 PPM depending on where you live (people drink that). Adding the recomended dosage of this stuff only raises the PPM less the 1/2 PPM. Add every 3 days to keep it clean.
  8. D

    $2700 worth of Phosphoload/bushmaster for about $25 !

    To make 1L of phosphoload all you need is 500ml 99% Iso alcohol, 500ml RO water and .9g Paclobutrazol. I got my Paclobutrazol here first add .9g of the paclo to the alcohol and shake the shit out of it (it wont disolve in water). Then add...
  9. D

    Make $2200 worth of Clear Rez for $4 !! *For non organic guys*

    This one certainly is. Also the ones with PGRs you can buy for pennies on the dollar as well.
  10. D

    Make $2200 worth of Clear Rez for $4 !! *For non organic guys*

    That is correct. Same EXACT ingredient as EZ Clone Clear Rez that sells for $20 a QT. Get your self a 1 lb bag of HTH Pool shock non PH buffered available online and most hardware stores (bought mine from Ace). Mix 1 GRAM (450 in the bag) per gallon of solution. Will make the SAME EXACT...
  11. D

    Make $2200 worth of "Clear Rez" for $4 !!!

    That is correct. Same EXACT ingredient as EZ Clone Clear Rez that sells for $20 a QT. Get your self a 1 lb bag of HTH Pool shock non PH buffered available online and most hardware stores (bought mine from Ace). Mix 1 GRAM (450 in the bag) per gallon of solution. Will make the SAME EXACT...
  12. D

    EZ Cloner advice? Looking for surefire success!

    Here is the one you want, it is in a blue bag. EXACT same ingreidient used for EZ Clone, Clear Rez retailing for $20 a quart. 1 gram per gallon is the same level...
  13. D

    EZ Cloner advice? Looking for surefire success!

    I use HTH pool shock tht is NOT PH buffered. You can get a pound for $4 at almost any hardware store. Mixing 1 gram per gallon gives you a gallon of Clear Rez that costs $20 a quart !! 448 grams for $4 makes 448 gallons of clear rez. I beleive they suggest dosing at like an oz per 5 gallons and...
  14. D

    How often do you guys flush in your hydro set up?

    I put them in straight water for the first day of bloom, then add nutes the next day a little weaker then norm around 1000 PPM. Every time I change the reservoir I give them plain water for the first day giving them a mini flush once a week basically. Last week of bloom they get straight H20.
  15. D

    EZ Cloner advice? Looking for surefire success!

    First of all PH does not really matter until you get roots so dont bother with PHing your water. Most important thing about using a cloner is it needs to be sterile. Make sure all your inserts are sterile before running a batch. Doesnt matter what water you use but make sure you keep it clean...
  16. D

    SUPERthrive or Superjive?

    Wow a tonic even UB approves ...:shock: Anyone use it every watering or even nce a week through out the grow ? States you can use it a lot. They sell the gallon at my local hydro shop too. Thinking about adding it to the mix. :-o
  17. D

    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    To make 1L of phosphoload/superbud all you need is 500ml 99% Iso alcohol, 500ml RO water and .9g Paclobutrazol. I got my Paclobutrazol here first add .9g of the paclo to the alcohol and shake the shit out of it (it wont disolve in water)...
  18. D

    Washing Machine Do It Yourself Resin Separator Everything you need to know

    Okay well I had a lot more success today thank god :clap: Put the machine on heavy duty and ran it for 15 minutes another two runs (didnt have enough ice for a third) Ran through a 160 screen for waste then through a 70 and 40 screen. Ended up with a huge 150 gram baseball sized rock just...