About a year ago I decied to try a cheap PPM meter and see if it even worked. I figured for less then $20 shipped why not.... Moving forward to today. I love this meter and would never buy another overpriced meter again !! It is "water resistant" so dont drop it in your tank or you will be buying another $18 meter soon. Very durable, you can get water on it no problems ever. I use it in 7 reservoirs so it gets a LOT of use. Even more amzing is it has stayed perfectly calibrated. I actually have three of them but they are all dead even with each other when I compare them and are dead nuts accurate when put in calibration fluid
NEVER once had to calibrate !! 
Anyway the meter I have been using is a HM PPM meter. It is a dark Blue case. Found on Ebay for $18 shipped and Amazon sells them too for under $20 shipped. I'll try and find a link. I love having a meter I dont have to worry about breaking and can have several extras lying around in different spaces.
Wish I could find a good PH meter for this cheap....... Right now I have a waterproof digital PH meter but it was $40 and is slow.
Here is the meter on Amazon;

Anyway the meter I have been using is a HM PPM meter. It is a dark Blue case. Found on Ebay for $18 shipped and Amazon sells them too for under $20 shipped. I'll try and find a link. I love having a meter I dont have to worry about breaking and can have several extras lying around in different spaces.
Wish I could find a good PH meter for this cheap....... Right now I have a waterproof digital PH meter but it was $40 and is slow.
Here is the meter on Amazon;