$18 PPM Meter Works PERFECTLY !! Don't Waste Your Money On Overpriced Meters.


Well-Known Member
About a year ago I decied to try a cheap PPM meter and see if it even worked. I figured for less then $20 shipped why not.... Moving forward to today. I love this meter and would never buy another overpriced meter again !! It is "water resistant" so dont drop it in your tank or you will be buying another $18 meter soon. Very durable, you can get water on it no problems ever. I use it in 7 reservoirs so it gets a LOT of use. Even more amzing is it has stayed perfectly calibrated. I actually have three of them but they are all dead even with each other when I compare them and are dead nuts accurate when put in calibration fluid :clap: NEVER once had to calibrate !! :-P

Anyway the meter I have been using is a HM PPM meter. It is a dark Blue case. Found on Ebay for $18 shipped and Amazon sells them too for under $20 shipped. I'll try and find a link. I love having a meter I dont have to worry about breaking and can have several extras lying around in different spaces.

Wish I could find a good PH meter for this cheap....... Right now I have a waterproof digital PH meter but it was $40 and is slow.

Here is the meter on Amazon;

Yep that's the same ppm meter I use and it works great. I like the $30ish Milwakee digital PH meter. Between those two meters I spent under $60 and they both work great. Just make sure to keep water in the cap of the PH pen, I guess the probe needs to remain wet. =)
ahhh cheers mate. are those ph pens the other bloke linked me to any good and are they a reliable seller like will i get it lol.
I went through about 5 of those PH pens and honestly hated them. They did work but needed constant calibration to be accurate and VERY sensitive to getting any water on them hence the 5 pens. You also have to calibrate them with a tiny screw driver which is a pain and not easy to calibrate. I have had the last pen I bought for about $40 for 6 months. Never needs calibrating and its totally waterproof. Lot bigger readout on it as well. It has a one button calibration no tools required. On the other one I had to calibrate it several times a week which made it hard to trust. I'll try and find the one I got for you.
This is a newer one I havent seen by Hanna for $40 shipped and its waterproof too.


Another for $35 shipped


Here is the one I bought. Only complaint is it is slw to read the correct PH. Need to swirl it around for about 10 seconds for it to adjust.

Actually I have and grabbed it out right away and it was fine. Unlike the Cheap PH meters you drop them and they are toast. It isnt that hard to just be careful and not drop your meter in a tank honestly. Have a Hanna go out on you and you are spending well over $100 to replace it.
Amen brother. I've been using one of those $20 specials for a long while myself.

+rep for sharing the truth.
Its funny because I expected it to be gabage. I was very pleasantly surprised . Have had one for a year and its still dead nuts accurate with no calibration...... Even the $130 ones need calibrating a bit usually. Shows how overpriced they are.