Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

You did a ton of reading on PGR huh? Everyones mix carry the same risks.

At least he is ethical enough to tell the truth about the potential dangers of PGR's... no matter whos mix you use it has the same dangers...Believe it or not a lot of people are using those same ingredients and most of them dont even know it... these are the same ingredients used in Humboldts County's Own Bushmasters, Phosphoload, Dr. Nodes, Superbud, Monsterbud, Dutchmasters and a million other commonly used products from your hydro stores most popular companies... The only difference is, THEY do not put any warning like the one you copy and pasted... they will also use the highest amount they can legally use without having to print it on the label because they dont even want you to know what you are using.

I dont use any of those products but a lot of people do because they do work well.

yeah but his mix has this warning
Possible/probable toxicity issues when used in a short term deciduous crop​
Lessens essential oil production

so poison and less thc?
so this thread is still getting attention.... anyone picking up on this ?
I have not had time to do much , but now I am growing legally I will for sure add to this !
I'm new to rollitup but not to cultivating. I've spent the last 2 days soaking up the information in this thread. If you are planning any new experiments I'd love to hear about them.

I'm starting a vertical rockwool slab grow in the next couple of weeks and I'm going to do some experimentation with PGR's. I'm especially interested in the effects of 6 benzylaminopurine.
hey i've been doing some reading myself on these hormones for a while now and actually stumbled across this thread while doing so. i just ordered some 6-BAP, gibberellic acid and brassinolide should be here within the next couple weeks and im planning on doing experiments with some seedlings. basically my plan is to treat the seedlings with gibberellic acid until they've stretched to about half a foot and then dousing them in a 1500 ppm solution of 6-BAP to stop upward growth and initiate branching two more 300 ppm solutions of 6-BAP will be applied 3 weeks apart from the initial application to further prevent upward growth and promote the thickening of the plants stem. brassinolide will be applied 3 times throughout the growth cycle of the plant at 300ppm concentrations. i'll post pictures as things come along with some controls to show the difference between treated and untreated plants. hoping to get some nice 2 foot tall bushes :) also has anyone had any success with la femme?
I have three plants in the first week of flowering under a 1000 hps and 155,000 lumens. I spent a couple hours reading as much as I could and love the new research. If anyone can instruct me on how to order and apply the hormone(s) critical to the plant during the first week of flowering Id love to run the experiment on my girls and report back to you guys. Thanks!
hey you can buy all the hormones on this ebay store(link) for like 5$ per 2 grams of pure chemical. as for applying them they come with directions but its really different for every plant your gonna have to play around a bit to get the right mix so id say just start out using it how either this topic suggests or how the instructions that come with it do, cheers.
P.S. i recieved two samples free with my order from here wich was pretty sweet i got 2 grams of NAA(la femme) and 2 grams of kinetin.
just an update on my experiments not much of one but anywhoo... i ended up getting as letter from customs instead of hormones when i placed that order so i tried again but i oly got bap and brassinolide this time. so basically freshly potted clones sprayed with .01 ppm brassinolide and 50ppm BAP showed healthy rapid growth in comparison to untreated plants brassinolide .01 on its on had no noticable effects same with 50 BAP. a concentration of .1 brassinolide caused the leaves to curl and growth to slow in comparison to the controll. 500 BAP caused extreme mutation of the leaves and a complete halt in upward growth resulting in a small bush like thing with more leaves then i can count. 100 BAP caused a perfect topping effect at every node of the plant without slowing upward growth noticeable resulting in a pretty much instant mother for taking more clones off of.. hope this helps some of you sorry the experiments arent to precise i'll post back as i discover more. but currently i would reccomend spraying young plants in there first month with .01 brassinolide and 50 BAP for some incredible growth. then after they get to be about a foot tall dose them with 100 BAP and flower them a week later for some killer tops or to cut clones skip the flowering step and have at er cuts the time damn near in half and leaves the harvest as good as ever.
To make 1L of phosphoload/superbud all you need is 500ml 99% Iso alcohol, 500ml RO water and .9g Paclobutrazol. I got my Paclobutrazol here http://www.bio-world.com/MoreInfo.asp?ItemCode=714260

first add .9g of the paclo to the alcohol and shake the shit out of it (it wont disolve in water). Then add the 500ml of RO water and shake it again.
Apply at at 3ml per L of nutrient solution. Store it at room temp or the paclo will fall out of suspension of the alcohol

I am planning 2-4 weeks veg and flowering outdoor
FIM and short veg (not the best)
Seeds already germinated :

[FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Gigabud
Amnesia Haze
[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Kaya Gold
[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Monster[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Kushage x2[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Burmese Kush x2[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]White Widow x Big Bud x2
Jack Herer x2
Easy Sativa x6
[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Critical x6


Canna Terra Vega & Flores
Canna Rhizotonic
Canna Cannazym
Canna PK13/14
Hesi Super Vit

Bat Guano (NPK 2-15-1)
CO2 Tablets


Naphthalene Acetic Acid
Gibberellic Acid
Indole Acetic Acid
Fulvic Acid

My question
How to use these hormones with nutrients ?
Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300ppm at the end of the 4th week of flowring there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinlide , the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.

What is the advantage of Brassinlide over Gibberellic Acid? From what I understand, beyond stem elongation and cell division GA also encourages budding..

What concentration of BRASSINOLIDE was used in this stody? The only mention I saw in that parigraph was 0.00001 which if offered in anything resembling pure from would have to be mixed on the scale of thousands of gallons to be accurate with common measuring devices.
you inspired me to dive into micro biology and organic chemistry. i really think this will shape how i grow and learn to the fullest extent. i want to learn so much more! This thread is a great reference. Id love to help research more.
To make 1L of phosphoload/superbud all you need is 500ml 99% Iso alcohol, 500ml RO water and .9g Paclobutrazol. I got my Paclobutrazol here http://www.bio-world.com/MoreInfo.asp?ItemCode=714260

first add .9g of the paclo to the alcohol and shake the shit out of it (it wont disolve in water). Then add the 500ml of RO water and shake it again.
Apply at at 3ml per L of nutrient solution. Store it at room temp or the paclo will fall out of suspension of the alcohol

im really glad to hear you have got good orders from them i am nearby there office and plan of making a visit soon but i have been in email contact with them so far they seem really legit.

they told me that they would sell 6-BAP
There was a product called Paclo like 20+ years ago when I was young that was just a fertilizer additive that was supposed to help garden plants resist harsh late season weather where we lived.. One guy brought back a bunch of it one time, and passed it around.. And it did seem to work.. I imagine it can benefit in other ways too.. Normally I shun gimmicks, but if that is what I think it is, then I've seen great results on alot of plants that aren't cannabis planted in outdoor gardens in a region that often gets bad frost in mid-late August..
high concentration of most plant hormones are toxic and when smoke can become even more so. but thats just to let you know. but if you know what your doing and stop treating 2-3 weeks b4 harvest(as plant hormones are movable substances in the plant....) clean water and a flush or 2 will clear it out mostly. but this is in no way organic, but the best weed isnt going to be 100% oranic is gonna be the best mixture of the 2 (synthetic and organic)
What's the difference? Synthetic (hydro) is commonly known as providing nutes through water. Organics is commonly known as providing them through dirt. Other than that they are the same. Same nutrients, just suspended in a different environment.
Plant hormones (phytohormones) are largely movable but I suspect, judging from your previous posts that you are confusing them with nutrients, of which some are highly movable (Nitrogen for example) and some far less so (calcium for example)
Poly, I don't wish to knock you but only wish to help you to the next level.
Umm no.. Organic in this sense means that everything added must be derived naturally from natural sources.. eg compost, manure, fish, seaweed etc.. If you add something like miracle grow, or any other synthetic chemical product then you are not growing organically..