All you have shown so far is that you are quite capable of plagerism. I highly doubt you have a degree in anything yet alone horticulture sciences. Last time someone said they had a degree in Horticulture he turned out to merely have paid the fee to take a online test to receive a certificate saying he was a certified hortici ulyurilist. He then stated he even got a certificate as a arborist. I imagine as nothing you posted apperaed to be written by you but just copied and pasted you are merely at most one of the same. I h am sure you are happy wot rking as a drone in a small green house some wahere pulling weeds and sweeping floors. So what. Find me a posted USDA pproval for the use on above ground grown food products of the hormones etc you tout. Using something on experimental plots and on ornamental plants does makethem sfae for use on a smakeableproducts. If it can,t be used on food who would want to smoke it. Do you work in a greenhouse growing and selling ornamentals by chance?
As fr as waffling. yiu if posseing a degree in any thing ought to know that slang is not universal. I am not a child so I have no idea what waffling means. If your talking about dontt ramble. Hell you copied and pasted pages of uselesss banter as if it was it useful scientific data. What good is dta on hormones only usable on ornamental flowers, house plnats bushs and trees. Presnt some dat data on on hot rmones usable on food and that are accepted by the USDA or USFDA aprroved crap. You are a waffler dude.
People don't do degrees they earn them. You obviously have not earned one.