EZ Cloner advice? Looking for surefire success!

Pool shock solution is EXACTLY the same as EZ Clone Clear Rez. The chlorine level in city water is 1-5 PPM depending on where you live (people drink that). Adding the recomended dosage of this stuff only raises the PPM less the 1/2 PPM. Add every 3 days to keep it clean.
I went and bought 2 16 oz bottles of the stuff before I learned what Clear REz is... I could have spent $4 on a gal of liq shock at Walmart and just diluted it myself. So far, I'm happy using unscented bleach, about 6 drops per gallon.

Pool shock solution is EXACTLY the same as EZ Clone Clear Rez. The chlorine level in city water is 1-5 PPM depending on where you live (people drink that). Adding the recomended dosage of this stuff only raises the PPM less the 1/2 PPM. Add every 3 days to keep it clean.
Others have reported no luck with h2o2 alone.... in fact, I have a half gal of 17.5% I'd give away if i could...

I'm scared to use pool shock on the girls. But I'm def. gonna look for that H2O2 at the grow shop. Pretty sure I've seen it there before, the bottle looks familiar. As of right now, there hasn't been much change in the EZC. The next batch will get spring water. And if that doesn't work, then I'm going back to RO.

Progress Report: After switching over to spring water (RO water with minerals added for flavor), this have really turned around. Roots are bursting out the bottoms, and should be ready to transplant in a couple days. Many thanks to everyone for the helpful advice, especially those that recommended spring water!! :clap:

I use HTH pool shock tht is NOT PH buffered. You can get a pound for $4 at almost any hardware store. Mixing 1 gram per gallon gives you a gallon of Clear Rez that costs $20 a quart !! 448 grams for $4 makes 448 gallons of clear rez. I beleive they suggest dosing at like an oz per 5 gallons and treat every three days. It is EXACTLY the same as the EZ Clone Clear Rez selling for $20 a quart !

Bacteria is the number one problem with clone machines. also I use straight tap water 7.5 PH and rooting is the same as with 5.5 PH. PH really only matters once there are roots and effects the plants ability to uptake nutrients.

I bought a turbo klone last year and had a 100% successfull batch of clones in ten days. "How did I ever live without this thing", I recall thinking. Well ever since that first batch it has been absolute hit and miss. "Your not going to try that piece of shit again?", is the thought when I try to clone these days.

A few days ago, I came across this thread and tried the pool shock from wal mart. I have 24 cuttings 3 days in and they look better than I have seen since my first introduction to the turbokloner. They rez also has a scent that I have come to associate with successfull clones, it is kind of a clean pine scent. While roots haven't popped, you can see nodes and none of the stems have become mushy or slimey like they have in the past.

Could this be the answer? Could the answer be this simple, effective and cheap?

I hope so. My inability to produce clones in a consistent relaible way has hampered my operation more than anything else. I guess I'll know in a few days.
I used to have loads of problems with cutting till i got one of those tank's , much smaller one ofc.

Can't say i've got it to a science , but I usually put 1-2ml per L of cana rhizotonic, and mist them with Canadian xpress clone start for a week or two.
I'm having 100% success now with my turboklone 48.

I filled it, added a cup of bleach and ran it overnight to clean it. Ran clean water through it then ran clean tap with the pool shock formula. 100% in 6 days and overdue for transplant at 14.

How sweet it is!
Thank you for this thread. Fantastic. I love this pool shock idea.

We need to clear something up though. We are taking something in powdered form and then dosing a reservoir with something liquid. The way I read the previous posts is the following:

  1. Take 1 gram (weighed on a scale) of powdered pool shock and add it to 1 gallon of water.
  2. Mix this up and this is the concentrated shock-juice.
  3. Now I take this shock-juice and put it in my Ezclone reservoir at 1oz per gallon?

Please confirm.
root tone in powder form is like 3bucks and will do 4 clone run
maxi grow is 13buck and will do 30 or so clone runs

$5 bottle of root hormone at home depot works just as good and powder form and lasts forever. Always root in 5-7 days in my stinkbud (ez) cloner.
Thank you for this thread. Fantastic. I love this pool shock idea.

We need to clear something up though. We are taking something in powdered form and then dosing a reservoir with something liquid. The way I read the previous posts is the following:

  1. Take 1 gram (weighed on a scale) of powdered pool shock and add it to 1 gallon of water.
  2. Mix this up and this is the concentrated shock-juice.
  3. Now I take this shock-juice and put it in my Ezclone reservoir at 1oz per gallon?

Please confirm.

That is correct. Doing this will not overcome the problems associated with a dirty machine. I run a cup of bleach in mine for an hour to clean it between runs and often have to unplug some of the sprayers.
i personally dont find cloners that great and cloning gel is over priced and doesnt give the same results as rooting powder.
if you are using a cloner, my friend in the industry says they use a root zone conditioner in the water to keep the pH balanced and help promote root growth. Dutch Master Gold Zone is the best one apparently. Lasts a long time too. I think its 1 tsp for 5 gallons.

If your cloner is not working, my advice is to follow these steps:
1. Make sure your using a disinfected razor and cut at 45 degree angles when cutting your clipping. Immerse them immediately in water and let them sit for about 30 secs.
2. Take the clipping and cut the leaves off the bottom so your only left with either 4 or 2 leaves up top.
3. Cut the remaining leaves in half.
4. Split the bottom stalk about half an inch and stick it in the rooting powder (not gel)
5. Stick the cutting in a pre-soaked rockwool cube and spray the leaves before you put it in a humidity dome.

I've always had the cutting root on me using this method. I built a cloner and had 70% percent success rate so i just stopped using it.

*EDIT: the reason you dont use gel is because it works slower than rooting powder and is usually targeted toward amateur growers since it has pH balancing components and nutrients
Now that I have my cloner issues resolved and understand how this machine functions. I have 100% success rate and typically have roots in 5 days that are ready for transplant inside of 10 days. If I take the cuttings while the plants are aggresively growing, the cuttings barely stop growing and there's no acclamation period. I have them in flower 17-20 days after taking the cuttings.

I use no gels or powders, no nutes. Just tap water and pool shock. I think changing the water with fresh tap water everyday will supply enough chlorine to keep thigs clean.

Until I got this worked out, my aero cloner was totally hit and miss. 30-50% success rate and 3-4 weeks at times.

This really works for me.
I've got an expensive water filtration and R/O system. The ppm in it is 000. The instructions recommend tap or RO if tap ppm is too high... my tap ppm is almost 400. Thanks for the advice, but I'm betting my problem is elsewhere...

Water is so hard in my area it still leaves the R.O. machines around town from 60 to 150. The water store guy said that in some areas here that 150 is prob the best they can get you with an inexpensive water R.O.unit

I use Clonex liquid in my rez and run the pump 24/7 which keeps the water nice and toasty in the basement)
I keep seeing noobs and even older members losing a ton of clones to rockwool, peat plugs, directly into soil, ETC....

The one single item that changed the game for many of us growers is an EZ cloner, daisy cloner or homemade AERO cloner of some type, ala TheCarpenters design, it will single handedly change how you grow, your confidence, attitude and skill level, it will generally change your mindset as to your ability within growing.

Now the EZ cloner model is expensive (30 site is $325) and it keeps people away, I understand that much, but 1 saved clone pays for itself..............NOW there is a tutorial on a DIY cloner and it is just as successful from what Ive been seeing

Think of it like this, everyone wants MORE buds, they want that "BEST" clone to succeed to be the BEST plant..........how long is it inbetween your grows from start to finish????? Now, within that waiting game there is a bunch of lost days due to the waiting game........say 2 weeks or so in most cases, sometimes longer (3-6 if you have to recut clones to fill your space)

Using an EZ or AERO will give you consistant results, healthier clones and speed up your process........

Soooooo within that waiting game, over the course of a years time, NOW you've waitied an extra 2 months or so WAITING to get back growing, WAITING on clones (that you cant see)

Well, with an AERO or EZ, now you've simply gained another harvest or 2, which in turn....NOW youve got that many more buds stashed away or putting that much more $$$$ in your wallet (if your legal:eusa_angel: )

For a DIY you might be out $30 in total.......EZ cloner 30, $325 or so, 60 site is $400 and the 120 is too much and too big for 99% of us
inside my cloner I use harvested lake michigan rain water (contains a natural healthy balance of PH and nutrients) + canna RHIZOTONIC which is a powerful, algae based, vegetative stimulator for roots of fast-growing plants.
to make any spray cloner work better unplug it sometimes for a while or put it on a timer. Keeping the stem too wet either A) keeps plant alive without roots or B) gives them stem rot. I clone with plain water and no hormones or food or anything extra. Just tap water. I also use bleach to clean everything in between every run.
Well that's dum I just spent ages typing up my cloner only to have it not get submited.grrr ok short and sweet of it
spring/stream/well water,8ml ho2o 50%.not sure of res size.ph 6.?? clonexd.1200ltr/h pump large water droplets out of 4 "misters" 15/15 on/off.2 fluro lights above clones(one purplyish bulb in eatch).
P03-06-11_16.01.jpgP03-06-11_16.01[1].jpgi run ro water with a bit of clonex and clear rez. dip my cuttings in jell. water temp is around 75-77 under my t-5s. ph is around5.7. don't even run the air pump anymore.