LOL,.. wish I had them. She's just some random from the internet that I had as my wallpaper for a while. She changed my whole opinion on love at first site.
best thing to do is use a nut at 1/4 strength and flush till the volume of your container in water passes through. You'll replace light nuts with something in your soil that's too heavy at the moment. Better than replacing the too much, with nothing. it would take longer for your plant to...
Good luck dude. I'm sure things will work out fine. I know you're thinking all your effort has to be protected, but your main priority is not being discovered.
It's probably a hassle for them, and they would probably rather be doing something else, so just be cool and they'll be in and out...
What I would do, in a space where the plants could get 4 feet tall, is veg for a month, topping after it develops about six nodes, top above the second "True" node (someone's uncle) then pinch and LST it,.. Top each node again if you want and can have bushier. You need good light to get bushy...
Never grown that strain, but might some day. From what I've seen tall means 10 feet plus outdoors. If you're going to grow this indoors, as with any strain that get's tall you're going to have some extra work to do to keep it manageable. Your veg time and what you do depends on how tall you...
Yeah,.. cool pics. I usually don't keep mums though.
The stems are about as thick as that on my bonsai. This ones average,.. the big ones are in the back of my cab and didn't want to dig em out.
Yes,.. cut the stem above the bottom two nodes at harvest. Leave the buds on it. It takes a very very long time under veg before you'll see new growth. Growth hormones can speed that up, but rather than ordering that stuff,.. I'd suggest you order seeds.
LOL,.. sorry have to add, not to bust your nuts but just relaying experience,.. I seriously doubt you'll be able to grow the males separately and not pollenate the females. So,.. you should build an airtight growroom to put these males in,. and then kill the males and sprout some feminized seeds.
Oh,.. MJindeed.. You're original post asked for suggestions on your bonsai.
Use Uncle Bens topping technique,.. Start with the LST right after that and do some pinching/supercropping while you train them. If they're not in the 3 gallons yet, put them in one gallon first,.. and you could...
Here's another point. But it might just be me,.. I hate smoking a seed. It puts a shit taste in my mouth for an hour. So if I happen upon such a bag, I spend a hella lot of time going over it with a fine tooth comb and picking out all the seeds. I figure, the time spent taking better care...
I think the problem here is the arguement. Obviously some folks here have never seen trichs form on a male, and probably because they've never grown a male to maturity. They therefore just assume that males are good for nothing but pollen and the compost heap. When you're making hash you...
You'll have 30 cubic feet of space and a foot print of 5 square feet? Any more than 400W and you'll probably just be building a large Easy-Bake oven. And with 400w you'll have to set up a good ventilation system.
Good it's great stuff,... I can't figure out why more people don't use it.
Yeah,.. cool pic. That ant is about to meet his maker.
This is what I found at my local nursery. It's labeled "insect dust" but read the fine print,.. it's 100% food grade diatomaceous earth...
No one knows. I've never seen a study on percentage of hidden outdoor grows that get discovered. The plants need a lot of light so it can only be so wooded. They also need regular watering, unless you're talking about a rain forest. How likely are you to be seen going to check on the plant...
Try diatomaceous earth. Google it if you don't know what it is. It'll kill ants, and it's nothing but good for your plants. Some folks even use it as an additive for trace elements in their soil. Most nursery's carry it these days in the pest control section. You can also get it from health...
I used to have a rabbit. The poo you end up with collecting it yourself is soaked in urine. That may or may not be a problem, but I'm wondering what it would smell like in the grow room. It probably rinses off well enough.
They look great,.. you've got things off to a good start. They look a little tall though. Not stretched, but like you just recently got some light on them. Bury the stalk when you replant. Make three or four shallow cuts in the root ball with a razor blade. It's like topping, but for the...