is cheating? i sure as hell do. what gives them the right to paint the field to try and deceive the other team? if they're so good they shouldn't need gimmicks.
the commerce clause was suppose to only ensure commerce happened. not to force someone to buy something. does that graph also adjust for inflation? im sure 1999 dollars are worth more than 2010 dollars.
did you see this? just watch the fist two minutes if you dont want to watch the whole thing...
thats kind of different tho. he's running for governor so everyone should know. maybe that's why they dont say anything about it. cause meg whitman would just take the state into even more shambles.
american society is not at its best. i dont think there ever was or ever will be a best. business as usual is what i'd say. lets take a look: we fight the revolutionary war, now we're "free" soon after that the war of 1812. then we have a lil war with mexico over texas. few years later the civil...