i just had a poss dropped but still gat to pay about 1800 in fines now for a reckless. had to do work release too for 10 days. cleanin sheriffs cars. suppose to do 30 days of NA classes too but im gonna call the lawyer and see whats up cause ive been seeing some stuff on the net about court...
i use to work at a qualitest drug warehouse. they did random tests but were so easy to pass. its some kind of saliva test and they give you a cup of water before you put the cotton in your mouth and all you do is hold some water in the jaw part of your mouth under the tongue and put the cotton...
try getting in a fine dinning restaurant like outback or ruby tuesday. less of a high school presence. more college maybe but thats generally the servers. in my experience any way. heck maybe even culinary school and head the whole kitchen.
yea man them trash run smokes are the best. i never worked at fast food tho. its cool if you're with a good group. sometimes you got the morning smoke, sometimes they do, sometimes no one.
all this war and as far as we've gotten is unmanned aerial vehicles and battlefield robots and the vast majority of deaths are unarmed civilians. two thousand plus years of fighting. when the fuck will humans evolve past all this...stuff like this is why i wouldn't mind seeing the world end.
ah man not wally world. they're the devil. if you want a more smoker friendly place try restaurants. thats basically all that works there any way. i dont think ups screens either. ive worked there for seasonal work twice and they didn't screen. of course it was only for about two months also...
yea aint that some shit? here we are trying to be humanitarian or some shit, and at the same time we want to kill people with robots that can climb on ceilings. imagine the virus youd have to create to stop self thinking self replicating robots. skynet vs 4chan
i had just fucking remembered. hit me like a sack of bricks. fucking number one. and i watch the show like every night too...but yea i guess watching the credits would've been the easy way. good lookin out.
they're here. already plotting our demise.
thats the least of my worries. someone please help me figure out who the narrator is. the name is on the tip of my tongue...
stop spreading bs lies.
so called engineered by conservative think tank is supporting a democrat. i thought as pot smokers we could look past the propaganda and research the truth ourselves...
good. if found guilty they wouldn't suffer half as much as the civilians did.
*graphic video. viewer discretion advised*
is it ok to exploit labor from countries without a minimum wage that is also known to employ children 7 days a week that doesn't get paid for overtime and countless other offenses? because every time you buy from china, that is what you support. yes it is ok to take money from the white...
i dont think risking thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions could be considered trick/scheme/illusion. it's pretty much just like every other sport/game when you get to the big times. eventually you get sponsors. the money they play with probably isn't theirs, although it might be they do win...
there's no trying about it. it's already pretty much confetti. if someone comes to bulldoze your house, you would turn on some idolizing qualities too. "i worked hard for it, its my house, my kids grew up here" etc.
the article lops tea partiers in with the same crowd as a conservative think...
just because the human social behavior of the time is questionable by todays standards, doesn't take away the fact that the constitution was the greatest document ever written. needs change which is why we can amend it.
that line is in the declaration of independence. completely separate...