first time i got high i was drinking too. i was puttin lamp shades on my head, almost knocking pictures off the wall, callin a friend fat (fatty mc fat fat to be exact) woke up the next morning and went to krispy kreme.
and in case you want more about what he was talking about the librarians..
pay particular attention to this part
"The bureau's power to use national security letters to demand records...
i know they didn't deny thier party. it is the news agencies neglecting to mention what party they are from.
and i know other agencies are reporting it. but they are not reporting what party they are affiliated with.
democrats. didn't you hear? i sure didn't. did anyone hear anything about party affiliation at anytime? i didn't. i remember when some republicans were going to some strip bar or some shit, and i knew their affiliation. they made sure i knew it. anybody else see the bias here...
i dunno, ask these people.
the best way to control money is to control how it is spent. control the money, control the people. we are being tagged like cattle and i find it sickening. bad thing is, the worst is still to come.
it's easy to call something prophecy when you actively have people trying to constantly fulfill it. was it god, or the U.N. that gave israel to the jews? is it god causing the middle east to be highly volatile, or U.S. policy?
every time i see him do that i think of this
and its so much funnier now because i know he's jewish.
but indians never viewed the land as "theirs". they viewed the land as holy and that no one could own it. which is why the crazy horse memorial is...
i was watching something on youtube and it was saying something about some study that some people gave some dmt to some drug addicts and they kicked the habit after about 5 trips. here it is. its the top one about dmt. gotta download it. not on youtube yet...