I'm using 75% of 400 watts, so it's 300 watts right now. MH light.
It's about 18-19" off the base of the Aero, PPM is at 700'ish right now and I cycle the PH back down to 5.3 after it hits 6.2-6.3
Also, I ended up trashing the two strugglers. My conclusion is that I left them on the cable box germing in the plates/paper towel and the temps reached 95F. Went out and bought a heating pad that doesn't auto-off after 2 hours, kept the babies at a steady 83F and germed two beautiful...
Yep thanks for the advice, I already bought and received 10ft of black aquarium tubing, but I'm waiting til I transfer over to the 3.5 gal buckets before I re-line the tubing to the new larger airstones
gave them 1ML of Gro, 1ML of Micro, 1ML of Bloom per 1gallon. Meter read 163 PPM, PH read 6.3/6.4 (after I put in some PH down)
lets hope these babies boom
Even if my exhaust is going outside the room? I already have passive air intake by leaving the vent open in the room, as well as running an intake fan. I can't leave the door open because I have 2 cats
Two of them were planted a week after the one on the right, but the one on the right is looking a little yellow and isn't growing as fast anymore.
Once these plants are 6" I am putting them in 6" netpot lids with clay pebble medium in a 3.5 gal bucket (for each plant) under 400 watt MH.
wondering if I can cut a hole in this wood and put maybe a 6" piece of PVC tube with mesh integrated inside it, then connecting my ducting to the pvc. The mesh would have small enough holes so I can still exhaust out efficiently (450 cfm fan) but any potential bugs won't be able to get in...
alright I did. There's always cold air coming in fresh from outside the tent, but i added a clip fan to blow on the inner wall of the tent (not directly on the babies)
I think they're bunk as fk though, 2 of them dont look healthy meanwhile the other one is getting ready to plume another pair...