covers the ceilings and walls with and dont vent the heat outside... vent it somewhere inside so that the heat doesnt cause a IR gyser outside that can be seen with a IR camera...
when its about 90% dry.... get a moisture meter to...
alright.... so that gives me what i need to give you answers...
first about the curling... that looks like a pretty sativa dominant plant... thin leaves.... from what i have seen it isnt totally uncommon for the top sets of leaves on them to curl.. my applejack (jack herer x white widow cross...
i personally run full strength nutes up until the last 48 hours... then i run plain water...
but you may choose to cut back to 1/4 strength nutes the last 4 or 5 days and flush for 2 or 3 with plain water... or flush with plain water for a week.. its kinda up to you as to what you want to do...
stick to super cropping and FIMing... or LST and FIM... but super croppings much easier... dont worry too much about lollipopping until you can see how your strain does.. if its really touchy for instance it could cause hermies from lollipopping due to stress..
whatever regular old household...
if you put a hole in the bottom side of the dresser, and another one on the opposite side at the top with an inline fan sucking the air out that would be more than sufficient for exhaust... opening the door once a day wont help.... a 6" fan would be about what you need...
an air cooled hood...
ok.. to begin with if you want to add lower lighting to the canopy go ahead.. thats more than fine...
now.... onto the discussion of removing foliage...
i dont recommend doing it at all... BUT that doesnt mean im right...
lets talk quickly about the purpose of fan leaves.... large fan leaves...
Ahh, really nice to hear w/ certainty that I'm in the clear on the pollen. (I understand you can only be but so certain w/ out puttin ur eyeballs on 'em.) But still fukn great to hear.
I'll work on perfected my bud porn technique.
your pics are good enough for me to feel confident in saying...
hey bro
alright first off if i didnt say it before about the 250w lamp and shit... i dont think i commented... what i would do is move the 400w lamp you have now outside the tent to where you would want the 250w lamp... and get a 600w lamp for the tent... it will really step things up inside...
its definitely a def issue.. possibly due to lock out.. remember that rockwool has a high ph and can cause upwards drifts... so you need to use a lower ph'd solution in the beginning... you should do 2 things...
1) check run off ph and see what its at.. should give some idea of whats up..
i flood 3 or 4 times a day in veg.. and 5 times during lights on, 1 time during lights off, during flowering.... it will take some adjusting... but once you find a sweet spot you'll be good.. ya, go ahead and move the clones over.. i hope this answers your question.. and u not bothering me at all...
dont worry about the drooping... from the pics at least i wouldnt worry about anything.... some plants just randomly do that.. i have a few strains flowering like that.. as long as the plant isnt drooping.. or the entire leaf isnt drooping.. its nothing to sweat over...
as far as when you'll...
well first good luck with things.. thats a hell of an undertaking for a first grow... i will be more than happy to help out with any questions you may have... feel free to post... i cant promise though i would do a good job at following your grow...
ill double check but i dont think i saw a...
thank you and your welcome!
that will be somewhat based on the size of your plant and what you are growing in...
the best thing to do is to make sure the medium you are using drains well.. if you are using a cup, for instance, with soil to start your seeds in make sure there are plenty of...
i have 2 females... 1 rot and 1 pit... the rot had the last litter.. the pit this time... poor dogs.. lol poor me!! i have 12 of them now.. hahahaha
i havent checked out the crys no... in fact i didnt even know you updated.. apparently i lost my subscription to that journal.. WTF?!!?! throw...
definitely sounds like you got the idea with the roots.. its not going to top them by any means.. but should buy you a few days...
no reason to throw them in net pots without being ready for the system..
you were right about the cubes.. what you set up is fine....
thank you as always...
i personally like rapid rooters or root riot cubes... they offer quick initial root growth and work well in all hydro systems....
same with clones... i tend to rip the cubes open and put cloning gel into the opening when i use them for clones... just to make inserting the clones a little...