k.. did some research... found out some things.. if you have white cotteny mold its ok.. its actually the beneficials in the soil exploding in growth... very good sign... as long as its nice and white and not black and/or green your good...
let them stay in dark until the normal time you...
12/12 anytime bro.. i personally dont think there is a better on/off schedule (say 6 to 6 as apposed to 10 to 10) over another... its pretty much all the same...
i'd say go ahead with the green light.. but i cant say it with 100% certainty... never tried it so i dont know for sure...
you may...
yea.. extend the dark period to catch up the light schedule to the right time... its better ot have too much dark than light in this case...
you should be ok.. but you might (and i stress might) get a hermie from it.. but its not likely... just try to get things fixed and keep them going the...
i took pics and tried to post them... it wont let me.. i havent been able to post pics for quite some time now.. not sure why....
if you want to see pics elsewhere, and you know me, you should know where to find them.. if not send me a pm and ill let ya in on the secret
yea... it was a fun night for sure... i dont go out often at all.. maybe once or twice a year.. but i try to have a good time when i do.. make it memorable.. lol
so your getting 2x 4000w flower rooms?? very nice bro... i would love to expand my setup some.. have 1 whole room for veg and clones...
pics look great.. you'll prolly want to let them go another 2... maybe.. and i mean maybe... 3 weeks... the longer they go the more couch lock you'll get.. but they should be done enough to harvest in the next week or 2...
it sounds like the pellet got too moist and the stems rotting...
i went back like 5 pages and didnt find your original post... if you can repost it if you still need help and pics that'd be great...
alright.... so what your seeing are called trichromes... the little mushroom tips on them is where all the good stuff is...
you are waiting to see them...
i wouldnt increase the watering at all.. its more about how much nutes they can use.. not the water.. you can up the concentration of nutes if you want... but i wouldnt increase the watering itself
no prob bro.. glad to help
put them to bed early one night and wake them up and hour later the next day to correct things.. its better to give them extra dark then the extra light.. if that makes sense..
alright... if i had to make a guess from my experiences.... assuming things go pretty...
been good.. no sun here tho.. just rain..
so i went out last night with the guys... was out late.. ended up at an exs house afterwards.. havent really been to sleep.. but to tired to fucking do a thing.. sorry... but the pics are being delayed another day...
Fresh tap 7.5 pH, 2 day tap 6.5 pH :P I use a cheap 10 dollar Rapitest mini pH tester probe for soil and a cheap little bottle of General Hydroponics colored scale drop test thingy for fluids.
Watered all the plants with nothing added today, checked runoff pH for the first time, gonna start...
so its been a few days since i updated anything...
things are coming along great...
first in the flower room things are REALLY starting to shine... monster colas... dripping resin... super dense flowers... makes me a proud daddy... i used (for the first time) humboldt county's own GRAVITY...
to me it looks like a sativa dominant plant..
in my experiences i've noticed that some sativas have a tendency to do that.. not all.. but some.. in fact i have some that are doing that same thing now, while others arent...
as long as flowering progresses i wouldnt worry about it.. it doesnt...
i know baking soda will raise ph in water.. but i dont think it will actually affect the soil ph itself...
http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=EJNU502&AC=1 order some of this, or a similar product, to take care of things....
if its white and cottony, to me it sounds like some...
there is a chance that you could just have a hermie or two.. with a low hermie pheno.. just enough to pop a few seeds.. a case like that would allow the plant to continue to mature without stopping flower production...
things sound like they arent that bad... it should be fine....
take a pic of the bean...
was it dark like normal healthy seed??
calyxes are filled with stuff.... plant matter.. and sometimes.. when they are fucking swelled huge... they can sometimes look similar to an unripen seed... inside that is... so im a little curious...
nothing is telling me they...
your girls will be fine.. the extra light wont hurt it if its a random event... but trying to kep the light cycle on time all the time is important
the best thing to do is to get a heavy duty timer... spend 30 on a really nice one from a hydro store... or just manually on/off the lights...
you had aphids.. they are literally plant ticks...
feed your plants with 100% pure cold pressed neem oil every watering.. 2 tbls per gallon of water.. get some tanglefoot and smear around the lips of the pots and around the base of the plants... and collect spiders and throw in your garden...