No. Nobody is ever right. Ever. What was right today is left tomarow, what is political today?
5 year old president = only way because his wrongs will be mac N cheese get it?
I would pay taxes but the feds dont want it hows that for political. I think we should have 5 year olds running the country it would be the best county in the world agian.
Today the president says "Mac and cheese is hella good with sliced hotdogs and thinks congress should eat poop". But...
Well first of all if your at a cocktail party you fucking suck dont care what political party or news station you watch. Friends dont let friends drink cocktails or vote.
So basically flood the post constanlty and put air stones in the post? Thats kinda the idea I had just wasnt sure if it would work.
I was planning on seeting it up just like ebb/flow just sumurging the roots in the "tray" sort of speak witch would be the fence post . But flooding it constantly...
You know calling HTG supply would prolly be better idea. Everytime I called I got straight answers and respect. They will let you cancel the order if you dont want to wait and they have a message on they site explaining the problem..........
Some of you guys act like this company just does...
See thats the thing you see the light just like me. So many buckets I wanna figure out how to make them movable and work off only a couple res for 120 plants (mostly I only gor 80 or so but I want more room less work).
Clones straight to flower of couse and in the summer it gets hot I got 2...
I saw a huge lettice setup part aeroponics part DWC it looked prety nifty. It didnt explain the setup though so it was just kinda pointless to me lol.
I just wish I could go look at one of those big systems so much to learn off of. Frankenstein hydro guardens make me happy.
This thread did a complete 180 thats pretty cool.
But does anyone have a link to a DWC setup running hundreds of plants. I just want to see how they system works thats all or if its practicle or if a could rig it to recurculate into a seperite res so I dont have to deal with roots and lifting...
Zero Tolerance its organic and KILLS them almost instant death. Neem oil you need to be persistant its more of a deterant. If they are allready a problem you need Zero Tolerance or some other organic pesticide floramite is not organic and cant be applyed late in flower keep this stuff in mind...
I knew I wasnt crazy thanks loudblunts...... And nice setup havent really looked into aeroponics might be what I need to do keeping up with drip is exhausting sence I changed nutes and bubbleponics just doesnt seem logical compared to other methods for big setupps not saying it didnt work I was...
Why would they add anything other then water? Thats like saying weed dealers lace sacks when why would I sell buy one get one free?
If its in the brown bottle I dont care what it says on it it was bottled at the same place as the stuff you buy at the doller store or anywhere else.
Ok how does moving hot water get cooler when the air around it is the same temp? Please explain the science in this?
And also the pump itself heats up so its not gonna cool the water unless it can cool it faster then the heat off the pump tself heats up the buckett.
Hows the pump cool it...
I was just looking and dutch master makes Zone maybe more what your looking for? Little more expensive but $25 a litter isnt much different then $50 a gallon just a sugestion.
Your going to be dilluting it anyways is what im trying to say. It doesnt need to be that strong for what your using it for.
Your cleaning roots not a rusted infect wound and even then 3% works unless its to sever then it has to be stronger to eat some nasty looking enfections. Plant pests and...
Yeah being racist sucks huh everyone hating you just because you hate people.
Just going on a limb here I think your making racist comments could be the problem.
You could make a bucket just with a pump and make all your net pots in all your tubs the same saze and just take it out of the res with a feeder tube once roots show possibly see a system coming from this. Still alot of water though I run a DRIP system now effective but man im telling you once...
Yay lets talk down to people we dont know because we make 242490 posts and make blue letters to make myself stick out......
I mean honestly you could have just told him to stop arguing but no had to insult sombody in the process by making assumptions as if they where fact as if you know...
Its funny to take the piss out of sombody? :clap: Show me buddy I ADMIT I havent seen a DWC running hundreds of small plants. So show me.
Dont try and talk down to me, show me "Teach me" this is a grow site share info dont hold out if you no how to grow hundreds of plant easy and effectivly...