"DISCLAIMER: This comment will be exaclty what I said it wasnt going to be HAHAHAH in your face!"
Just showing you what you achived their was quite funny. But I saw it coming.
The shit I was talking about comes in a blue plastic bag. I dunno about that stuff it could work. What all does it say it has in it? If its just rocks try it if it looks like something that would hold nutes and get nasty I dunno.
Stuff I seen was in a blue bag and people use it on the bottom...
Yes! just because it doesnt have pumps to water for you doesnt mean its not hydroponic......... Some people still use flood tables with coco or peat based MEDIUMS and water them more often in smaller pots. Hydroponics is a METHOD and 80% of people growing actually use this method and not know...
Yeah the same government that forces kids on pills threw school and makes a plant illegal is deffenatly looking out for us. We should just trust everything they say right? Then stop smoking grass and go get some pills like they want because they dont give a fuck what you want.
They have to...
Take it off if it makes you feel better. I didnt even know people used feeding tubes in DWC until I came here. If I had to buy pumps I would just go ebb and flow.
Remove that bisnitch.
Go to petsmart they have them they are called hydro rocks in blue bag where substrates are. They even sell coco fider in all forms their last I checked to.
I think you hit it spot on how many kids you see screaming and throwing stuff around in stores because they couldnt get that hotwheels or whatever.
That didnt happen when I was young even I would get bitch slaped by a random old lady much less my own mom or dad.:neutral:
Ill drink 2 bottles of tussen and get more fucked up then you will off coke. Go buy that shit at walmart and not get shot. And why the hells we showing peoples how to free base crack on a weed forum. Thats almost as dumb as posting asault rifles on a weed forum, almost not quite but almost.
Letting them fall off on their own could mean mold. Pull them off when they are yellow dont let them rot and fall off thats bad if a dead leaf gets stuck in a bud it will mold the bud. Shouldnt have all you leaves dieing anyways just lower fan leaves should die and in the last 2 weeks maybe week...
So wait how do those compounds or whatever be represented in the Trichome? Like I always thought the color changing in the trichome itself was more compounds but ounce it reached a amber or brown it was degraded. But when you got the swirl in the trichome when its more half golden more yellow...
Thats the point I was trying to make. Remember whats little to you could be big to somone else.
People get shot over $5 in this world and I bet it had nothing to do with it just being $5. :-|
I would have much rather them not touch my fucking chit and go "snip" their own clones.
I mean yeah makes life easier to just take somthing thats not yours and might only be a little peice out of out of alot of peices but they still took it.
Thats like you leaving a pound on the table wake...
Nah man put the nug in the bowl then do the little twist. I mean damn you smoking bongs when your in public?
Bust out a break up tray and a grinder bong in the back pocket in public? We where talking about summer time in public chillin not sitting down gettin ripped on the couch with all the...
The white webing mold is nothing its from dead leafs remove it from the bud with a tooth pick (this white webing is the same as cobwebs non toxic) watch it for spreading and remove you keep doing this it wont cover the bud and form a purple mold witch may be toxic (darker molds usually toxic)...
Word go studdy mummys remember some of the oldest canabis was found in a tomb and was smokable. Indirect light is ok sence you wont be storing for thousands of years.
Mummys and curying as well as preserving go hand in hand, in everything. THC is oil based so it can be presurved but keeping...
Sure but he would have still taken somthing thats not his.......So if you new where sombody was growing in their back yard you would go and start taking cuttings off their plants?
Im sorry I just dont see any difference in what he did or if one of the outdoor cali growers went in their back...