Well you see liberals beleive goverment should care for the well being of ALL not just the rich.
Righties beleive government should exist only when THEY need somthing.
You see its ok if we get health care its not really what they care about they are lieing. They know if they stop obama on...
Ive fucked a few fat chicks its all good just make sure they buy you somthing and whatever you do dont let your guard down. Fat chick sits on your face you might just loose somthing I call dignity. Having a brownstar on your nose you cant get off could be shocking and smelly.
Remember go to...
SSSHHH dont say Civil they might get their guns!
He ment lets get high Cracker not civil put the ar15 and super typhoonated mustard gas up.
Last thing we need is these guys getting civil last time they did that they didnt know what it ment and you know where that got us.
I disagree that you think I cant disagree with.
And dont agree with me because its not disagreeing and thats not what this threads about. WE DONT AGREE BECAUSE WE CANT!! MY THREAD!!
P.S. I love you.
I tried to get angry but I just couldnt. Maybe im just to nice I need to get mean and educated shove it down peoples throats.
Or ill just smoke some weed and be different maybe buy a dictionairy or some shit.
Making a thread so everytime you get pissed off at somebody for not agreeing with you you can just rag on me.
I like being ragged on really just dont do it to anyone else. You see I can save the politics section thats about to get deleted because people like to name call and talk down to...
Actually im 21 and flattured that you guys are so intrested in me. Keep going this could get awsome.
Now lets see all the things "I" do wrong sence you know this thread is about me.
Shit just change the name of the thread I would be honored.
Picking on me isnt hard ill be the first to tell...
If einstein couldnt spell couldnt would he still be einstein?
Im sure he only had one spoken language and couldnt speak it until 15 so back on subject politics not "Lets make personal attacks on snail and forget completely what was at hand".
So agian did I say I was a mayjor in english or...
I didnt say I was perfect. I didnt say I was a spelling bee champion.
You could just cut me down and make me look like you want me to look its your mind your convincing nobody elses you see.
I admire you guys really its sad that you result to attacking the people that raised me or my...
I was raised by my grandperants and yes I was home school. My grandpa was a world war 2 vet and took me out of public school when he read my history book.
So to be honest im more in the middle then most. But you guys hear what you wanna hear I say ban assault rifles your hear "Immma take all...
See now you make it a race thing to try to stir up some romp fest it wasnt racist it was pointing out the irony in the situation. Sorry if your are native american and it offended you but whatever your clearly just trying to be offended for the sake of wining and arguement.
Mighty "liberal" of...
Just the kind of school you like though right?
So I can be "brainwashed" the right way?
I could hold my breath right now until I get some more hypocrisy out of you crazys and you know it.
Completely bat shit crazy. You would slap a bulls ass then bitch about it fucking you up. I swear you...