Plants and water seem to be doing good no big problems or flux going on. I have noticed the Bubba's top colas leaves are starting to cup guessing the heat is getting to her up there max of 89 not good. The kink in the ducing is probley making the temps that high, and with 155cfm for 800watts is...
Alright thinking of a new setup but if the electric is not there then it can not be done so hope someone can help.
Right now running two 20 amp breakers one for veg room one for flower room, with this heat wave the breaker on the flower room has been tripping. My guess is the AC kicks in full...
Very nice, thats my problem no dry area. I just keep jumping around different spots different ways until i can think of a permenit location for it, might even just break down and get a tent that i can use for just drying when the time comes.
Lucky man to have a wife thats into the grow and...
You got it right, the bubba has tons of trichomes compared to the F13. I was going to put all my trimmings together when i make hash but after seeing how the bubba packs on the trichomes might as well two different mix of hash for each strain.
Shooting Powder this week and the next three weeks should be seeing some tails start popping up and the buds getting bigger. In this video they have had shooting powder for two days. The water has been chilling not to much of a flux going on just the temp shit the temp, it should be getting...
Ok lets get on to the grow, like i was saying last week the numbers on the nutes have been high, and this is with normal dosage of nutes. Even in the res where i mix up all my nutes first, normal 8 gallons of ro with nutes as listed below(with dropper) ppm/ec was going to high, adding 2 gallons...
Yea i go by a nute cheat sheet says the exact same thing, so i have been backing off .5 mls each gallon of base nute mix
Had some time this morning before lights out so i started cleaning up and getting ready to flush the girls. I pulled out my pump that feeds the girls and it was caked in a...
Last two weeks plants have been showing signs of problems, so this week i waited on my update to monitor the water for a few days. I noticed that the numbers(ppm/ec) are rising a 100 with in 5 hours of the water leaving the res to the system. With this being said a flush is needed, hopefully to...
Noworries over here just taking it as it comes, keeping the family happy.
Sounds like your having fun out just the dam elk are not poping up closer, all in time as you know.
The harvest is always a great end to the year!
Yea i know exactly what it is but not sure how its happening. When the temps were running high outside i was noticing my water getting above 75 so decided to start adding ice water bottles to keep the temp down. Did not really notice any problems first few weeks i was doing it but like you...
Late on the post been busy.
New Water
Aqua A/B 10.5 ml to gallon of ro water
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Bud XL 3.8 ml to gallon
New Water PH 5.8 PPM 912 EC 1830 Temp 65 to 75
Basic cheat sheet: Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more...