Room looks great man always love seeing a nice setup!!
Have you ever thought about running a big plant grow in there(5gallon pots on the floor) and compare the numbers to your scrog table ?
Harvest is going to be huge if those girls keep growing.
Thats the first time for that program but i have checked out a few others, let me know if you want to see what i have found so far.
Looking forward to the update!!
beautiful plant man, just shows you are treating her right!! been there done that with the foliar in flower we learn quick from are mistakes well sometimes.
Looking forward to seeing the updates to your room!!
Keep living large and growing strong!
appreciate it DST
only thing about the fan leaves i don't like, there so big allot of the under buds don't get light so i am tucking some of the fan leaves down.
New Water
Aqua A/B 9.5 ml to gallon of ro water
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Bud XL 3.8 ml to gallon
New Water PH 5.8 PPM 800 EC 1620 Temp 65 to 75
Basic cheat sheet: Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes Ec stable, PH goes...
Pup is the way to go but they are going to need a big brother unless you plan on buying another pup in a year lmao
so i would buy the pup you want then go check out the pound and get a old boy with few years left to go and treat him right his last years, just like any of us would want.
Very nice update cruz day in the green house
Spent allot of time doing all of that triming to bad you dont have a compost going, just going to make those top colas swell up even more.
Hows the humidity in there been treating you ?
I do play music every once in awhile, i play what i like to them. but i have heard different things from just musical Mozart, to hard rock in some of the grow rooms i have checked out. I believe the plants just love that you actually take the time to give them something, just like you and me...
Yea there so big and beautiful, i just trimmed the bottom up a little and the fan leaves i took of dam almost could cover both of my hands. If those are the solar panels for her buds omg i cant wait tell they start to swell up.
C02 is great man i can really tell a difference in the flowers and...
New Water
Aqua A/B 9 ml to gallon of ro water, its supposed to be 8.5
Root Excel 1.1 ml to gallon
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Multi Zen 3.8 ml to gallon
New Water PH 5.8 PPM 760 EC 1560 Temp 65 to 75
New info, they are hungry for more nutes, well that's the guess off the new info. Another grower...
Full to the brim, shit theres just tons of green every where you look very nice!!
Just a idea what if after this grow you took out the pavers and dug up the floor a foot or two. That would give your more room, maybe even just barring the plants into the ground would help.
Any ideas what your...
Hey every one was wondering if i could pass a few ideas by you and get some honest feedback or even a different idea.
Right now i have 4 different ways i was thinking of setting up the plants. The plants will be in a RDWC and i hope to run just a coco drip grow with the same layout.
LMAO shit man you nailed it right on, especially when the drinks flow that night. Gotta make sure to piss/shit and grab another beer before i go in. Do my work then sit back on my control bucket haha relax and watch the girls do there thing. Gotta love homegrown!! Appreciated you checking the...