Holly molly Cruze those plants look just amazing talk about some beautiful shades on them!! Dont see that happening to much with indoor garden setups but fuk the outdoors always brings some crazy colors. Cant stop looking you should make a poster of one of this pics, a site to remembered...
Right on sounds like a big project! Been watching your thread from the shadows on THC way over my head hahaha to add any info. I was wondering what was your take on the 4x4 ebbaflow 4 plants per sqft. Did it turn out like Dagambler was saying to much stress for a little yield ? After...
Sick setup Teddie!! very clean, you put some time into thinking of it and did a great job. Not really one for scrogs but shit when i see it done right like yours always a beautiful site to see. Have you ever thought about switching up your watering system to a flood/drain table? Looks like...
This is one of the projects rolling around in my head, not sure if i want to tackle it for the next grow or wait. Did you ever figure out how you are going to do this setup MedHeadGRWR?
was watching a video on youtube of the cup and when they said 2nd place greenhouse superlemonhaze there was allot of boooing in the background. Not sure if it was for the strain or the company. This was and might still be a strain i am looking to grow but after hearing that got me wondering...