Well it is a bitter sweet night here....The Queen, who gave us much pleasure in the last couple months, has passed.
Largest fan leaves removed:
She had a slight smell of fuel as I was trimming her...
When I pulled her stumpy ass out if the pot it was practically all root...
She is about 10% amber....right where I like them!!! lol
Near the end of the grow....last 4-5 weeks they have been fed Humboldt nutes....Oneness, Ginormous, Flavorful and Honey Hydro....
She is about 10% amber....right where I like them!!! lol
Near the end of the grow....last 4-5 weeks they have been fed Humboldt nutes....Oneness, Ginormous, Flavorful and Honey Hydro....
Morning Photo Shoot
Morning all!!!!
Well she has served us well and I say this with a heavy heart but...."The Queen must die"!!!!!
Here are her last photos before she heads off to the chopping block later this afternoon...
Bubbles...will follow in the Queens footsteps...
Afternoon all....
Back safe and sound from seeing my grandsons!!!
WOW what a difference 5 days make....
The Queen....she is really fattened up in 5 days and will be coming down this weekend!!!!
Bubbles....she is really coming into her own!
Just watch her and if she doesn't show signs of flowering in a week or 2 you will have to flip her to 12/12... some autos only get about 14 inches but she looks great!
Morning Photo Shoot
Morning all...:D
These will be the last pics of the ladies for a few days...I leave early tomorrow morning to see my grandsons and will be gone until Tuesday leaving my babies in the capable hands of my husband...
The Queen...close to being done and will most likely...
Does that bucket have drain holes all along the very bottom like you would use in a soil grow? If so that bucket is not going to work for a hempy grow. Only 1 drainage hole 2 inches from the bottom of the bucket that way you have 2 inches of perlite that contains water for the roots to search...
Thanks dear....a coffee can would be fine for an auto but I am finding it is a bit small for a photo girls unless you go 12/12 from seed which will diminish your yield... I have some 2 gallon containers ready for my next go round
Morning Photo Shoot
Good Morning all...
Well the girls are looking stellar this morning especially the Queen...is she keeps up at this pace she will be close to being done by by the time I get back home.
Speaking of leaving town this Friday...I am showing my husband, non partaker that...
Those girls still have a ways to go....Don't go by what is says about when they will be done.
My theory is when they are done they are done!
Buy a 30x jewelers loop (ebay) and look at the trichs...that is the only true way to know when they are done!