Hosptial is now open for questions. Added 5 new members yesterday and looking for more to join us. Come get solid advice with no noise from guys that think sand kills bugs
Good Ol Cali Brown talking in circles again, Hey I thought you were not going to respond anymore? You might make some headway if you started talking with correct spelling and Grammar. Those little squiggly red lines under the misspelled words means you should go back and correct your mistakes...
New update,
Going into week 6 now and I am expecting great things the next 2 to 3 weeks for the room smells like a Diesel yard. The Herijuana in the forefront is supposed to be an 8 week and the Grape Krush in the back ground is behind that probably 9 maybe 10. The Heri comes from BlueBerry...
Glad to try to help, Please go to the group by clinking the link below and post again in there and someone will be more than willing to help out.
I have added you to the group.
I think this post is the poster child of talking in circles. Re read this and tell me if this fucker is not off his locker.
Oh no someone has gone completely off the deep end now.. LMFAO!!! Dude you are so mad I bet your spitting at your monitor. HAHAHAHHAHAHHA I FUCKING LOVE IT...
HAHAHAHAHAHA Cali Brown is MAD!!!!! Hey Cali I can tell when you get mad because your grammar, spelling and punctuation deteriorates from an 8 yr old to a 5 yr olds writing. Did they Mcgraduate you this year or hold you back again?
The Flora Nova series settles around all of the equipment and what you think is slime is just the nute. I know what you are saying I used FN for awhile and thought the same thing but if you have Hydrozyme in your tanks and your roots are not rotting you have a normal system just relax.
Get your digital PH meter and I bet your PH has been off just a tad. Fix the PH and you should see improvements within a week but from what I see nothing too bad. I would start to foliar spray as well, your plants will repond quicker and will be stronger plants in general.
Tell me about it!
A few things I know about good ol Cali Brown, He lives with his mom, grows weed in his closet, uses sand to kill bugs, thinks I have "issues" but never elaborates on them other than to cry "YOU HAVE ISSUES", is a Nark that actually posted that he is a nark in one of his...
Are the street lights not on where you live Cali Brown I know when I was a kid I had to be home when they turned on... Yep pretty shitty life but at least I don't live with my mom.
See I knew you could do it!! Did it hurt you to act and respond like an adult and not a kid wanting to talk weed? There are very few strains that test over 20% on a regular basis. Do you guys test to know for sure the THC, CBC, %?
I am more interested in why you think Og Kush is the better Medical Marijuana for patients with chronic pain? Now before you call me a troll, start to act like someone that knows what the fuck they are talking about and prove me wrong and explain your reasoning for that pick. I will not try to...
Should this not be in the Rant section or maybe the smoke and toke? Lets see I went to the MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENTS FORUM clicked on CALIFORNIA PATIENTS and I get RANTS,SPAM, and GROW QUESTIONS!!! You sure are not very smart are you?
Membership is up past 25 now so you can get the answers to your questions without all the noise from people that just think they know the problem. Post your question in the hospital and on here and see the difference.
I would rather be a "troll" as you call it that has figured out how to muiti quote than a stupid kid growing weed out of his moms closet (check his albums he does) narking people off to the mods or giving fucked up advice on the plant hospital forum.
Cali Brown I will go head to head with you...