The Hospital Group is now open for questions. Get answers to your plant problems without all the noise associated with posting in the forum. See you there!
No dome just bring them in under something to keep the hard rain off and keep the jacked up one in the shade only. Capture some of that rain water to water the plants later.
Update 5/31, One more week down 4 or 5 to go. They have stopped vertical growth and have started to bulk up now. I am having some nute issues that I am working though but nothing that cannot be fixed. I had someone ask why the 2 heights of plants and that was caused by 2 different veg...
Just take the plant that looks dead put it in a shade only area and spray it only keeping the soil moist but not wet. Shade only till you see the plant start to revive again. From the pics it looked like it had made it but I do not know after today. More pics
KEEP IT OUT OF THE SUN!! You are just cooking it with the bottle on it. From the pic it looks like it will make it if you didn't fry it today again in the sun.
Sorry about that, New thing we are trying here so its trail and error. Ask to be in the group and once your in you will see the pics. I am trying to figure the best why to control the group.