Hey guys! 1st timer here. I'm sure I'm doing SOMETHING wrong, hopefully some advice from the many experienced growers here will put be on the right track.
I started by germinating 8 AK-47 seeds from Serious Seeds. 5 of these produced rootlets, and I planted them indoors in a Plantation Products Fiber Seed Starting Tray, it's filled with a soil-less medium and is made of something like egg-crate cardboard ("natural fibers" is how it is described by the company that makes it).
I'm lighting them with 4 32 watt 5000k t8 fluorescents (a bit of overkill for so few plants perhaps, but I'm also growing a few herbs & peppers from seed). I'm keeping the lights perhaps 4-6 inches from the tops of the plants, and I'm watering them with bottled water enough to keep the soil moist (probably a few tablespoons), pretty much whenever the top of the soil starts looking/feeling more dry than wet.
All five sprouted cotyledon leaves and a small set of true leaves. However, fairly quickly, the stems of two of the seedlings thinned to the point that they couldn't support the weight of the leaves, the seedlings doubled over, and died. I tried to support them with small wire-baggie-ties to no avail.
I figured that perhaps this was natural variation amongst the seeds, since the other three were looking good, but now the same thing is starting to happen to the one seedling that was looking strongest.
I'm attaching a picture to illustrate the thinning that I've described. Please help!

I started by germinating 8 AK-47 seeds from Serious Seeds. 5 of these produced rootlets, and I planted them indoors in a Plantation Products Fiber Seed Starting Tray, it's filled with a soil-less medium and is made of something like egg-crate cardboard ("natural fibers" is how it is described by the company that makes it).
I'm lighting them with 4 32 watt 5000k t8 fluorescents (a bit of overkill for so few plants perhaps, but I'm also growing a few herbs & peppers from seed). I'm keeping the lights perhaps 4-6 inches from the tops of the plants, and I'm watering them with bottled water enough to keep the soil moist (probably a few tablespoons), pretty much whenever the top of the soil starts looking/feeling more dry than wet.
All five sprouted cotyledon leaves and a small set of true leaves. However, fairly quickly, the stems of two of the seedlings thinned to the point that they couldn't support the weight of the leaves, the seedlings doubled over, and died. I tried to support them with small wire-baggie-ties to no avail.
I figured that perhaps this was natural variation amongst the seeds, since the other three were looking good, but now the same thing is starting to happen to the one seedling that was looking strongest.
I'm attaching a picture to illustrate the thinning that I've described. Please help!